An old AvA setup I was privileged to be part of:
Finally the combined Allied forces in the Pacific are ready to mount an assault deep into the Empire's backyard. It's been a long hard war with many losses and setbacks. The campaign in Europe has finally ground to a conclusion. All available resources have been sent to deal with the Japanese.
Situated only 360 miles from the Home Islands the Imperial Japanese Command has designated that Okinawa is to be a key component of the inner defensive ring around Japan. They have massed forces such as suicide boats and submarines all around the island in a last ditch effort to push back the Allied advance. Their best men and equipment stand ready.
For nearly 1 year the Allies have struggled to get to this point. This attack is to be the largest that the war has ever seen.
Allied Intelligence has told all air units to be on the lookout for unusual contacts. It is feared that the technology the Germans employed prior to their defeat may have been shared with the Japanese.
A flight of four U.S. Navy Corsairs confirmed that fear with a radio transmission prior to their loss:
"Henhouse this is Blue one, we have contacts ... high speed contrails ... holy .."
"Say again, Blue one"
"These contacts are amazingly fast. Like nothing I've ever seen ... Danny break!"
"Blue one ... say again. Are you engaged with the contacts?"
"Roger Henhouse. We are under attack."
"Say again your coordinates, Blue one .... "
(radio silence)
"Blue one are you there?"
Admiral Halsey sat back in his chair after reading the intelligence memo and closed his eyes.
"It's worse than we thought then, isn't it Bob?"
Halsey's chief of staff, Rear Admiral Robert Carney looked deadly serious.
"Yes sir. The Japanese are much farther along in jet aircraft production than was previously estimated."
"Dammit to hell! Intel really screwed the pooch on this one. We've got Japanese jets flying all over Okinawa! Any word on our own? What have we got to meet them head on?"
"We just don't have the strips to operate our P-80s off of ... nor the British Meteors for that matter. Besides, even if we did, those "Shooting Stars" have short legs and are maintenance nightmares ... hell, most of the Air Corps pilots call it a death trap anyhow. The Fireball project fell behind when funding was transferred after ..."
"Yes, I know ... after we damned near blew up New Mexico. I wish those politicians and scientists eager to build big bombs we can't even deliver would stop taking money from the projects that WOULD help end this war, dammit!
So we're going to have to fight jet aircraft with prop planes. Well get ComAirSouthPac on the horn and apprise him of the situation. See if he can have something for me ASAP. If we can't fly as fast as the enemy we damned well better have him surrounded. I don't want any more scouting patrols jumped. From now on we operate in force."
The planeset for both sides
Me 262 (reskinned to represent Karyu) Perked to 10 points and limited bases
Me 163 (reskinned to represent J8M) Perked to 5 points and limited bases
Ar 234 (reskinned ) NO PERKS but limited bases
N1K 2J George
Ki 61 Tony
A6M2 Zeke
A6M5 Zero
Ki 67 Peggy
C47 for troop and supply
Here is the airbase layout for the Karyu (Me-262). Base locations of 10,18,24,26,29,30,32,34,37. The last four bases are all in the North of the map and on 2-3 islands.
Here is the airbase layout for the Nitaka (Ar-234). Base locations of 10,13,18,24,29,30,32,34,37. Again the last four bases are all in the northern most area of the map.
Here is the airbase layout for the J8M (Me-163). Base locations of 10,12,13,18,20,26,32,34,37. Simply because it would have been a "simpler" aircraft to build and put in place easier than the more complicated jet aircraft.
All other Imperial Japanese aircraft are placed at all available bases on the map and the vehicles are available at all bases as well.
C47 for troop and supply
The Royals
Spitfire 14
All US and RAF aircraft are available from the single US base that is controlled to the west of Okinawa. USN aircraft and RN are available on carriers.
Vehicles Available:
Both sides will have all M class vehicles available
Fleets 1,3,4 and 5 are active the others are bugged and will be moved to locations far away as Rook. Japanese Fleet is ok for the setup.
Fuel Burn Rate of .5[/COLOR]
Following settings from Bradys previous Okinawa setups:
Fleat hardness will by 50% of MA standard, 4k for a Cv and 750 pounds for any other ship.
All bases have SB's they will be set to 5k, as apposed to 4k which is their default setting.
The Ack gun hardenss will be increased to 50KG.
Ack is set at .7 as is normal in the CT.
Dot dar will be at 20 miles for enemy and unlimited for friendly.
500 foot height for dar.
Thanks to Slash27 for the initial idea; Arlo for the write up and the website (I wish I hadn't dismantled it); Dux for the new skins; Brady for the ideas on perks and opposition thinking; Squire and TheBug for being opposition and helping us rethink some stuff; Rafe35 for some information and links. (Geez what kind of grammar is that.)
This was truly a joint work of many people digging up information and I appreciate having had the chance to work with all of them on this; since it was the first true collaboration within the CT Development Group.,108016.0.htmlIt was before the intro if the 29s.