Author Topic: Help decide what the next scenario should be  (Read 8504 times)

Offline Zoney

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2016, 10:08:41 AM »
A & G Please.
Wag more, bark less.

Offline Brooke

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2016, 10:18:12 AM »
And of course there is always possibility to do some very cool 1948 stuff  :rock

That has significant portion of work done:

This one can indeed be played in 12h format

(Image removed from quote.)
(Image removed from quote.)

For that one I'll defenatelly be back  :x

That's interesting.  I would definitely like to do that one some day.

Offline Delirium

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #32 on: February 22, 2016, 11:19:39 AM »
Such as?

I should not have typed that and left. Apologies!

So, no Soviets vs. Luftwaffe, or US vs. Luftwaffe, or US/British vs. Luftwaffe, or US vs. Japan.

Also, no 12-hour format or 4-frame format.

But the 12-hour format is new, having been done only once before.  Attendance for it was 316 players, so attendance seems to be one of the strong suits of the 12-hour format.

The reason the 12 hour format worked and had high attendance is because it was new and exciting. If every event was 12 hours, you would find declining attendance with that as well. All I am saying is things need to be mixed up to keep the declining player (and younger) clientele interested.

Gone are the days (sadly) that forum chatter ramped up excitement even before the first frame.
Gone are the days (sadly)  that many players are wiling to sit at their computer screens and not find a single enemy and still enjoy the event.
Gone are the days (sadly) when playing the event was more important than scoring.

I would not want to be a CM; you guys need to design, advertise, and keep an eroding community from disappearing altogether.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 11:47:32 AM by Delirium »
80th "Headhunters"
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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #33 on: February 22, 2016, 12:14:42 PM »
I should not have typed that and left. Apologies!

No problem.  I thought there was something coming like, "Well, since you asked . . ." and then a setup previously thought to be completely crazy and impossible.  :aok

If every event was 12 hours, you would find declining attendance with that as well.

I think that you are right.  It's like DGS and BOG, two scenarios that have had high attendance and high ratings.  If we ran them a lot, people would get tired of repeating the same thing.

All I am saying is things need to be mixed up to keep the declining player (and younger) clientele interested.

I do think it's necessary to mix up the style of battle, scenario to scenario.  I don't think we need to change the format every time, though, because there aren't a lot of format choices.  Basically, you run N battles of length M, where N can be 1-4 (as more than 4 doesn't work these days) and M is 3-12 hours.  Maybe a 24-hour one?  I don't know.  That might be really hard to avoid it being derailed by a group of 10 guys coming on at 3 am when no one else is on and milkrunning the map.

Gone are the days (sadly) that forum chatter that ramped up excitement even before the first frame.

I think so, but I'll keep trying to get it back.  That brick wall will give before my head does!

Gone are the days (sadly)  that many players are wiling to sit at their computer screens and not find a single enemy.

I am not a fan of that myself, though, and I'm the world's most-dedicated scenario player.  ;)  I strongly aim for scenario designs that have a very low probability of that happening -- preferably zero.

Gone are the days (sadly) when playing the event was more important than scoring.

I think it's about the same as it has been for many years.  There are some players who are keen on scoring aspects, but the majority don't seem to care too much.  The main thing enjoyed on average is action and not meeting overwhelming force (although they are OK if they are on the overwhelming side).

I would not want to be a CM; you guys need to design, advertise, and keep an eroding community from disappearing altogether.

I hear you.

The most-frustrating thing for me is when I go into the MA and try to get players who have never tried a special event to try it once.  Most of them will not give it even one try.  To me, it is like going up to someone who eats hamburgers every day, which are fantastic, high-quality hamburgers, yes -- but he's never heard of steak.  You try to convince him to have a free dinner of prime porterhouse steak, baked potato smothered in butter, and nice glass of wine, and he isn't interested in even trying it once.

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #34 on: February 22, 2016, 12:59:55 PM »
The 12 hour thing was new, but many people only showed for a single block. Trying to avoid wife ack for 4 Saturdays in the summer is difficult to say the least. I could swing a 3 hour block and then people from all over the world can play at the time that suits them. I was the axis CO for that event and had a few stay all 12 but most only flew part of the day. That it why it worked. I understand as a CM having to be there all 12 would suck. But you could devide the responsibility over 4 people aND run 4 frames that are separate just all on the same day
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 01:01:35 PM by KCDitto »
Ditto  "WHITE 11" JG 11
Battle of Britain Scenario

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #35 on: February 22, 2016, 01:04:34 PM »
Its August 1940...

The Battle of Britain is fixing to get nasty...

And the Germans are growing impatient...

The next Aces High Scenario....Adlerangriff ("Eagle Attack") The Battle of Britain will be decided now....

This will be a 12 hour scenario, broken down into 4, 3 hour Frames...

Frame 1 - Aldertag     The assault on radar sites and airfields (We will allow 109 Es to carry bombs like the real battle) Epro 210 also big factor the first 3 hour run...

Frame 2 -  The Greatest Day     Massive bombing runs by the Huns....

Frame 3 - The Hardest Day       More massive bombing....

Frame 4 - Endgame        Raid on London....Followed by the huge furball we had after the last BOB scenario  :rock :rock :rock

Now just like Target for Today there would be a general objective to each frame that must be hit or rather obliterated within the 3 hour frame but that doesn't stop the CO from upping a raid for the next Frame during the prior Frame (see what happened in Target for Today).  There will be a flight window at every hour (cause that's the way it worked best...keeps everyone in action and if your shot down right after an hour window closes it gives you time to eat and stretch your legs)

AND Roc (who will come out of retirement for this one) promised us that after this last scenario (sorry I didn't fly in it...I'm just so sick of Italy) we would get our 12 hour BOB...

This will be the BIG ONE everyone has been waiting for....the OOB and almost everything else is already set up...small logistical things must be worked through but this will be an easy one to set up...

Also I would like to be the first one to call a 109 squadron (called one in another thread...but that doesn't matter now  :devil)

So...I suggest we hurry up and put this one out least by the end of March...give us time (real time) to drum up support for it...


The Battle of Britain

An Aces High Scenario....Coming to a Saturday in June near you!!!!  :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

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Offline KCDitto

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #36 on: February 22, 2016, 01:11:18 PM »
Just add the sea rescue part front the last BoB so if you get a bail or ditch, you can get back to a base and fly again to account for multiple missions flown by those guys In a day.
Ditto  "WHITE 11" JG 11
Battle of Britain Scenario

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #37 on: February 22, 2016, 01:45:43 PM »
Yeah I forgot about the rescue could use that as a way to reup in between hour launch windows... :aok
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
CO   Anti-Horde

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #38 on: February 22, 2016, 02:41:01 PM »
My completely selfish request would be A and G.

I absolutely loved the 12 hour format.  I understand how grueling it would be for the leaders/CMs though.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Brooke

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #39 on: February 22, 2016, 05:15:57 PM »
I'm not a fan of features that add a lot of work for the CM (either through having to spend a bunch of time administering it during the game or pouring through logs to calculate or police things) or require roles that most players don't want to do.

Offline swareiam

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #40 on: February 22, 2016, 05:22:16 PM »
I'm not a fan of features that add a lot of work for the CM (either through having to spend a bunch of time administering it during the game or pouring through logs to calculate or police things) or require roles that most players don't want to do.

hear hear...
AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
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Offline SuBWaYCH

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #41 on: February 22, 2016, 06:47:17 PM »
Its been a long time since I participated in these, but I always thought the best aspect of the scenarios was its immersion - I'm not sure if its relatively the same now as it used to be.

Again, i'm speaking from experience (from a while ago) so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt Brooke, but it might be a good idea to sort of retool the scenario into something more attractive to the current player base. Maybe Skuzzy or Hitech could put out a game wide survey for you and have them ask questions like what kind of scenarios would you like to see and how many frames would you be willing to commit to. I think once you establish a strong player base again (160-200) you would be able to start re-introducing what has typically been successful for the scenario genre.

I think that means the next scenario needs to involve aircraft that are popular in the LW arena's. A late 1944 matchup between the soviets and germans would probably get a lot of MA interest. Are GV's still popular? That could be a fun addition.

I really need to play this game again. sigh.  :old:
Axis C.O. for Battle of the Dnieper, Winter '43

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #42 on: February 22, 2016, 07:11:19 PM »
Thanks, Subway.  It's great to see you here.

A survey at game startup is likely not available for a special event, but it is a good thought.  I think CM's asked about it in the past.  I should look into that.

GV's are popular in the MA, but GV'ers don't tend to play in or care about special events.  I don't think GV's are useful for increasing special-event participation.

Offline Delirium

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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #43 on: February 22, 2016, 08:46:45 PM »
I like the concept of GVs in a scenario, unfortunately the tank drivers don't attend and those that want to fly get stuck tanking instead. Not only that but the addition of many GVs with the usual load of dogfighting above makes for some really bad frame rates.
80th "Headhunters"
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Re: Help decide what the next scenario should be
« Reply #44 on: February 22, 2016, 08:53:39 PM »
I like the concept of GVs in a scenario, unfortunately the tank drivers don't attend and those that want to fly get stuck tanking instead.
Not enough spawn camping for the dedicated GVer.
Kommando Nowotny