Offline CraterMA took on field setup of last time I was online CraterMA, but captured fields weren't accessible.
Got stuck in the following trees (CraterMA, Jeep):
(all trees with low lying branches)
Got stuck under the watch tower at HQ and Tanktown (CraterMA)
Trees on bridge in TT: 25720,155,5725,0.0,-0.3,-116.0
Bush on bridge in TT: 27285,155,5040,-0.0,-0.3,19.1
Tree on road to HQ: -87607,495,521317,-4.8,-1.3,-5.3
V59S and V59E spawns have ~10% chance of spawning you stuck in a tree. V59SE and V139S have ~17% chance.* HT: any chance of code like "If rndspawnchoice = tree then try one more time"? That would reduce spawn stuck in a tree to about 1 to 3% chance and Greebo wouldn't have to take a chainsaw to his terrain.
*sample size ~30