Author Topic: the lengths some people go...  (Read 17714 times)

Offline JunkyII

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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #180 on: May 28, 2016, 05:44:44 AM »
You know, for the folks saying how hard it is to find good fights, fly in the scenario and I GUARANTEE you will find good fights. White knuckle fights like you've never seen if you haven't flown scenarios. Practice frame is tomorrow 3 PM Eastern US time, SEA 2, the rest of the frames are same bat time, same bat arena every Saturday in June. Registration is still open and walk-ons are always welcome.
Scenario teams do try to force the fights to happen but here are times when the restrictions aren't enough and avoiding combat does happen. An example would have been the scenario I walked onto in an F4F....the alt limit let the zeak operate above the F4Fs effective limit so they could hide out up there...WW2 tactic yep.....stale game play VERY.

Yes really, because I don't believe I have ever noticed the name Tumor flying around.
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Naming names is mean.  But I know at least one specific pile-it who likes to wait outside icon range, then come charging into the fight after the opposition has become pre-occupied with other things... who's in this here thread, yep yep. :) :banana: : :x
Whooooooooo??? Stop being a sissy and just say it.....what are they going to do??? Take you to the DA???
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 05:47:30 AM by JunkyII »
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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #181 on: May 28, 2016, 07:45:30 AM »
I think you're reading too much into what I wrote. My opinion is that I don't have the right to demand anything from any other players, and they have no right to demand anything from me. Do you feel you have the right to demand something from other players?

That's fun! You've made a gentlemen's agreement with your squad members to help each outer out. You've done so voluntarily. No one can force you to join their squad and play the game their way. If you find you don't enjoy it you can leave the squad and no one has the right or power to stop you. Se how this works?

I have no idea what you're on about.

This is why we can not have nice things!  :old:

A game of chess or a organized scenario.  :x  Now we are playing together!  :old:


climb high, watch your six, and stay alive!  :salute

lets see, where did i put that jet.  :cheers:  :bolt:


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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #182 on: May 28, 2016, 08:56:39 AM »

Fought a P-51 the other day.  He ran to ack immediately after blowing his advantage.  Rinse, repeat until he finally ran home for good. 

AH3 can't get here fast enough, because most of the people left playing AH2 seem to have no interest in any combat that they might lose.  :rolleyes:

This seems to be the most common thing I see anymore. Unless they outnumber you by at least 4-1.  And it seems to be the favorite tactic more  of pony drivers then anyone else. Only I've seen it even worse. I've seen them have advantage. make one pass and not even maintain that advantage and set up for another shot. But instead simply run right to their ack rather then even try to stick around and fight before they start running.

There are VERY few quality pony drivers anymore. Its really very sad
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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #183 on: May 28, 2016, 09:07:51 AM »
  Oddly... some folks who tend to whine about other people running, always seem to show up to their so called fight with distinct advantages in aircraft, altitude, firepower or numbers.

Just saying. often as not. The people I tend to whine about them running are the ones I attacked who had the advantage or started with the advantage.
Take last night for example. I attack a higher pony who had more E and alt on me and his first reaction is to turn. Miss on a shot and dive straight away and run to his ack. He only came back at me when I attacked two of his lower countryman also in ponies (killing one) and as soon as I turned to deal with him. He turns right back around and circles his field at low alt again....and again....and again
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #184 on: May 28, 2016, 09:19:02 AM »
A sandbox-game has no "point"... That's what makes it a sandbox-game. You make your own rules and your own goals.

Who's the arbiter of what opinions are "valid"? The obvious answer is: No one. An opinion cannot be valid or invalid... It's just an opinion.

It all boils down to whether or not you feel you have the right, that you're entitled to demand something from other players. Well... If you do then you're wrong. And that is your problem.

I "demand" nothing, I suggest. I hope with my suggestions that other players look at how the play the game and may see where they are missing some part of the game they haven't thought about. Too many games are designed as "lone wolf" games. First person shooters, single play arcade and so on. That mentality doesn't work in a "team" environment. Sure you can lone wolf it in this game but you miss out on a lot of game play. You can play it with the attitude of "Im the best" and alienate every other player every time you play, but it isnt good for game play or the rest of the game in general.

Why do people leave? Sure there are "real world" issues that cause some to leave, but I think it is because so many players become bored playing their single faceted game style.

Join the horde and maybe get to drop on a target.... rinse repeat 
Jump in a fighter and HO everything in site.... rinse repeat
Spawn camp a GV spawn and single shot tanks.... rinse repeat
Get in a buff, climb to 30k bomb a strat, bail.... rinse repeat

I "suggest" that these players try other options. They are missing soo much of the game and when they get bored, they leave.

Then we have those that leave due to lack of fights/action. If these players that play a "single faceted" game style try other things like oh maybe fight, do you think we may keep more of these players that are looking for action as well?

I KNOW people aren't leaving because they have mastered the game. There is so much to do in this game, and that is what I suggest other do. Explore the other options, one trick ponies get bored and leave.

I pay 15 bucks because it's all about me.  I dont pay 15 because it's about you.  if it was about you, I can easily afford your 15 bucks.  but I dont screw the rest of the world by far.  actually I dont screw anybody in this game.  well I did date this girl that played for like 2 weeks, but that's another story.

the problem you have fugitive is that if it's always your way or everybody else is doing it wrong.  but if you are ever interested why not show up with us pigs and see how I play.  perhaps you may see me dive into a red of cons to help a pig.  of course if I feel like it.


Ahh but if your attitude, or style of play chases other players away? Wouldn't you consider that a bit self centered? By making a small change like..... say instead of dropping the FH in a base attack your squad left them up and granted the upped a few seconds to get their wheels and have to fight for the base. More fun I would think for both sides right?

As for flying with the pigs, I've done that many a time, but always on the other side. Some nights are fun.... I was working on learning the Yak, and ran into Bustr and his spit most of the night. He got me more often than not, but it was a lot of fun fights. Some nights, not so fun.... Razor shows up in his 262 and picks over what could be a fun fight.

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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #185 on: May 28, 2016, 10:57:54 AM »
Same people making the same dreary, recycled, rehashed, retreaded, walked on, shot-up arguments about the game.

Dodger was right...You people need to fight more and talk less.  I can say this because this "discussion" has never accomplished anything.  Ever. Lmao.  It's the same old crap.

Dale should shut this forum down for about a year.  You wanna talk or air some recycled, over-abused grievance about gameplay?  Then you'd have to do it in-game or straight to Dale by email...

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Offline FishBait

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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #186 on: May 28, 2016, 11:09:31 AM »
1. Sadly Tumor is correct in this case because of his shrewd use of "some people", there is hypocrisy present on occasion by a small number of vocal "runner" whiners.

2. Tumor what is your ingame handle?

Agreed. Tumor is correct. I missed the word 'some', most likely because the addition of the word made the post pointless. You can always find corner cases if you look hard enough. That doesn't mean they're relevant to the conversation at hand.

'Most', however, is a word that carries more weight. And in my experience, the guys who complain about runners - myself included - are by & large the ones who are looking for a good fight, and are ready to give you one.

That all being said, of the two days I've logged on this week, both have been filled with exceptional fights, so it's not like there aren't fights to be had. But that's because the people I was fighting pretty much feel the way I do (as far as I can tell).

I have to agree with Fugitives overall message here. The people who are missing out the most due to 'safe' gameplay are the runners themselves. I know they'd have a more enjoyable experience if they put a fraction of the time they spend in game towards actually learning how to play it. But for whatever reason, they don't. That's what frustrates me more than anything. If they'd simply suck up their ego long enough to learn from a few losses, their win/loss ratio would improve drastically, they'd absolutely get more fun out of the game than ever before, and it would be more enjoyable for everyone involved. But just as in real life, a large portion of the population would rather protect their fragile ego by appearing to be more than they are (nursing their score and playing like pansies), rather than actually working to become what they pretend to be.

I personally have yet to meet any of the top players who refuse to help when asked, and when you get them in the DA/TA, they're generally be the most courteous players you'll meet. So maybe next time some of you have the option of either joining the next hoard attack, or hitting up a good stick for some training time, you'll choose the latter. It's better for you, it's better for me, and it's better for the game.

IMO, if you want to become good at fighting in this game, you have to: A) fight as often as you can, without concern for your score, and B) seek out help from other players. So by all means - ASK FOR HELP.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 11:45:50 AM by FishBait »
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Offline LCADolby

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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #187 on: May 28, 2016, 11:21:02 AM »
Fishbait  :aok
JG5 "Eismeer"
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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #188 on: May 28, 2016, 11:27:51 AM »
fugitive when was the last time I dropped a fh?  name one player that I chased away with my game play.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #189 on: May 28, 2016, 11:31:18 AM » often as not. The people I tend to whine about them running are the ones I attacked who had the advantage or started with the advantage.
Take last night for example. I attack a higher pony who had more E and alt on me and his first reaction is to turn. Miss on a shot and dive straight away and run to his ack. He only came back at me when I attacked two of his lower countryman also in ponies (killing one) and as soon as I turned to deal with him. He turns right back around and circles his field at low alt again....and again....and again

  :airplane: Oh ya, I remember this well cuz I was laughing like a drunk Hyena the whole way.  OK FWIW... I never made a move towards you to begin with.  You picked me up after I made a pass through at least 4 almost-as-high-as-me "reds", (our base below was being severely horded at the time so, not an option).  Literally maybe 3 Green dots in a sector with at least 10 red.   I went up and came back through, fast.  I wasn't worried or concerned about you let alone aware of you, until you were in close at 1000.  But, then you locked-on and I was out of options. So, please don't be all about how you out-clevered me with your badassery to get on my tail.  My nonchalant zip-through showed you my 6, and you wouldn't look away.  I can't say I blame you.  Then, I pretty much figured it was you, because... well, it was a 190, it was fast, and it was fixated, and it was knit.  See, for years I got picked by higher 190's and stuff... I know how not to do that.  AND you DO tend to get fixated Dred (just a friendly note).  I might add I think I thought I could faintly hear you rage-crying "A RUNNER A RUNNER, LOOK A RUNNER, KILL KILL KILL", but I'm not sure.   Anyway, I made it to ack and you turned and "picked" Fearless... so then I knew for certain it was you.  So that takes care of up to about pass 1.5 or 2 through the top end of my ack.  I know it's friggin unreal that a pony managed to outrun you all that way.  <shrug>

  Now, at this point knowing it's you Dred...  I can't fly to a merge with you, because I KNOW there's a 100% chance I'll get HO'd with superior (and highly practiced) firepower.  Oh, and I lose around 99% of those, so I just don't (because, it's lame).  100-PERCENT-CHANCE of full-frontal-metal-high-velocity-Dred-precipitation.  I would add... you actually TRIED to HO me from about 1500 lol.  I'm not flying straight at you Dred, I'm not in to jousting.

 My one advantage was ack, as you consistently zoom climbed to deny me any sort of level playing field, over and over and over and over.  I patiently used ack to MY advantage until you made a mistake.  That's what I did... and you did, and you went to the tower leading 3 or 4 of us on a jerky flip-floppy 5min chase. YOU waited too long, lost your SA, and let TriTip get over you, and that was the end of you. :devil

  The kicker to this extremely enjoyable event was the friendly banter going on between myself, my hero Tritip, and Fearless.  Once you popped, we were all like.. what are we gonna be, Clowns or Cowards.  It was Cowards! Thank you Dred.  The inevitable Ch200 DredIock Rage because you.... got whacked!   :furious

  But, here's the deal.  I dont' fly, or play this game, or whatever you want to call it... to present a target to YOU or anyone else.  I play in MY way to make as many Red guys die as I can while I remain among the living.  I don't care HOW I do it, and I certainly don't consider stopping and fighting every red guy I see just because he's there, or "for the fight".   I'm not even remotely concerned with putting myself into losing situations, chest-thumping, out-clevering, score xxx'ing or whatever (uhh, beyond K/D).  I ENJOY treating this thing called AH as a simulation of sorts, I mean I know it's not really, and I know HTC didn't design the game for pilots to act like... WW2 pilots, apparently :rolleyes:, but there you have it.  I ALWAYS plan on landing when I leave the runway (and I'd say I'm at least decent at that).  I always depart with 100% fuel, a lot of the time with DTs... or fully loaded with bombs and rocs.  This often lends itself to not getting into any kind of turn-fite at all, cause well... a whole LOT of people have much better performing (turning) aircraft and they never have more than 25%.  Numbers is another little SA thing I keep in mind.  I find it terribly entertaining to fly in a stealthy manner, to a stealthy spot, over a horde and totally PICKTARD people, or even better, those who are AFK while on their way to join the local horde.  Ask Yucca.. I'm kinda rusty right now and my aim is pretty much normal so I missed and accidentally 6-crashed him last night lol and I (deservedly) am the one who got the damage.  My ~input~ if you will, to the game, is to help MY side in whatever way I can and like it or not, I do what I can to remain among the living while doing it. (Ya Hitech I know... flying to stay alive is akin to not even worth playing the game right?, well, opinions are like those stinky things? Everyone's got one)  I'm patient... I've refueled up to 5 maybe 6 times.  I enjoy what I do.  I'm NOT good at the whole turn-fight thing.. at all.. never was, especially not in the Pony.  There's a certain balance in cartoon flying between, pretending to do things like a pilot would do, and doing gamey things no "pilot would ever do.  I lean hard to the pilot thing, so I'm at a distinct disadvantage almost 100% of the time.  I do MY thing the way I want to do it for the price of MY subscription the way I know is best for ME.

  You died.  I landed 2.   FOR ME, I caused you to cartoon-die, even if indirectly.  End of story.  Maybe HTC could implement a new branch of the game and call it "Courtrooms High" so you can SUE ME! For not allowing you a kill shot!!  :)

<signed> The Cowardly Clowny Pony
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 02:10:05 PM by Tumor »
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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #190 on: May 28, 2016, 11:34:30 AM »
Yes really, because I don't believe I have ever noticed the name Tumor flying around.

  Been around since beta...  took a little time off here and there, +/- a few months of 2yrs or so. 
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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #191 on: May 28, 2016, 11:40:25 AM »
Ahh but if your attitude, or style of play chases other players away? Wouldn't you consider that a bit self centered? By making a small change like.....

Make no mistake, players do not chase people away.  Why people do or do not leave this game is 100% in HTC's court.  100%  They make the decisions.  Players employ HTC's game in the manner HTC allows them to. 
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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #192 on: May 28, 2016, 11:47:47 AM »
Whooooooooo??? Stop being a sissy and just say it.....what are they going to do??? Take you to the DA???

Who's Snuggie?  :t
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #193 on: May 28, 2016, 12:37:07 PM »
fugitive when was the last time I dropped a fh?  name one player that I chased away with my game play.


You take things too literal, I was using you and your squad as an example. I know you have trouble hitting the ground with bombs! j/k  :D

Make no mistake, players do not chase people away.  Why people do or do not leave this game is 100% in HTC's court.  100%  They make the decisions.  Players employ HTC's game in the manner HTC allows them to. 

Ever heard of the term "Rage Quit"? Happens very often. Some quit for a day, others cancel their subscriptions. A player and a couple of his squadmate were recently banned for "hunting" another player to the exclusion of all else just to tick him off and to get him to quit.

There is a lot players can do to make this game experience a fun one or a horrible one. Running and hiding in ack..... not so fun. Getting bullied over the radio on 200 or in PM's.... not so fun. Chasing a set of buffs only to see them bail as you close to icon range.... not so fun. 

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Re: the lengths some people go...
« Reply #194 on: May 28, 2016, 01:07:10 PM »
Naming names is mean.  But I know at least one specific pile-it who likes to wait outside icon range, then come charging into the fight after the opposition has become pre-occupied with other things... who's in this here thread, yep yep. :) :banana: : :x

Who's Snuggie?  :t

Got any film of this?  Is this my regular routine according to you, or just conjecture?  Bet it's the latter.

Checked my stats for this tour and the last three and the only verified encounter between Tumor and Snuggie was your P-51D getting a kill on my P-40C.  To be honest, I've never even heard of you.

"Then out spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the gate:
 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
 And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds.
 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."