Ran Updater Beta Patch 22 to 23 w\o a hitch.
Opened Beta 23 Dx11 version using Crimson 16.4.1 drivers w\o issue in Greebo CraterMA but FPS is still low vs Beta 21 Dx11 version (same 44 FPS as in Beta 22 Dx11 w\ same choppiness as well vs Beta 21 Dx11 @ 80 FPS smooth).
Windows 7 HP set up to scale display 150% @ 2560 x 1440 res (the icons and text at 2560 x 1440 on my monitor is just too small for me to see at default scaling @ 100%).
Wiped Crimson 16.4.1 drivers and loaded latest Crimson 16.5.3 drivers and set all up identical as I had in Crimson 16.4.1 drivers.
Opened Beta 23 Dx11 version using Crimson 16.5.3 drivers and got the same mouse issue at the initial screen that I had reported having in Beta 22 Dx11, even though I had set up the game profile w\ the display scaling setting turned off. Fixed this by now checking the box in Compatibility tab under Properties of Beta Dx11 shortcut "disables display scaling when high DPI settings are present" (when game starts the display scaling as set in Windows is reset to default and is then reset back to 150% when game is shut down and exited).
Tried Beta 23 Dx11 version again using Crimson 16.5.3 drivers now w\o issue but the FPS result is exactly the same as mentioned above when using Crimson 16.4.1 drivers.
Opened on several airfields both large, medium and small to see if the FPS would change and on a couple of small airfields the FPS momentarily bumped up from 44 FPS to 80 FPS but within a couple of minutes it dropped back down to 44 FPS and displayed the same choppiness when flying as described before.
Working the issue on my end.
PS--I read that there was supposed to be a checkbox that you were to check off if you're using a VR headset or not w\ the Beta.........
Is this still true or has this been changed as I haven't found this checkbox as of this time?
Also just tried Beta 23 Dx11 version offline and got the exact same FPS performance results as mentioned above so it would appear that this eliminates the effects of the Internet..........