This is turning into "Combat Tour" all over again. Combat tour was an ambitious idea but the coading was taking a very long time due to the small number of coaders working on it. It was eventually shelved and update to the game begain again.,250755.msg3086244.html#msg3086244HTC has been working on AH3 for some time now. Here is the water update for AH3 release page the video is no longer hosted, it shows that the AH3 update has been in the works since early 2014. While we have no "numbers" of subscribers that AH has, nor do those always reflect how many players play in the mains ( a lot of players only play in FSO, or Scenarios) a dirty check can be made of ranking in tour 170 vs last tour completed. A rank in the "captures field" were there were no captures gives you a number for all of those who placed "last" in captures for that tour. Going by that number there is last than 50% of players getting captures.
So that means either a lot more people are capturing base and so being tied for last is moving up the number, or that the number of people playing has dropped. Going by Lusche recent posting of captures...,345669.msg5066063.html#msg5066063 I don't think the number is really going up for the number of captures, so that leads me to believe that the numbers of players has dropped by almost half in 2 years. In the year leading up to the "shelving" of Combat tour the numbers stayed the same, but those numbers were 50% higher population than we had at the beginning of AH3 work. We have lost more than 2/3 of the population in the main arenas in the past 8 years.
I'm sure there is a lot more involved as to the "why" we have lost so many players, but I think the lack of HTC presence in the arenas certainly is one of them. I cant picture what this game has become as what Hitech and Pyro thought of as as good game to go into business with.
My CO has decided to cancel his account and move on. It just isn't fun for him any more. Squad nights use to be some mission to start some action that turned into fun for a lot of players from either side of the fight. Now missions turn into either circling a base waiting for the "enemy" to come out of the ack or 88's, an undefended base where NO ONE ups, or a group that does defend but need to start the defense by flying in the stratosphere.
The main idea of the game, fighting/combat has been lost to the new gamers that look at "winning the war" the quickest easiest way possible. Last night prime time US (10PM eastern) there were last than 200 players on line with about a quarter of those sitting in the tower. 40 or so players per team on a large map. Heck those numbers barely make a horde.
One team gets ganged, Rooks were pushing the Bish and they did put up a bit of a defense, but they were also fighting the Knights who were trying to get back all the bases the Bish had NOEd earlier along the shore. Funny how when ever we have a map with water up the Bish seem to own most of the shore line? NOEs are easier to run across water don't cha know
So of course Bish were crying about how the Rook "horde" was singling them out, and that the Rook/Knight alliance was strong. It was the only fight going. I ran a buff run and not a single player came up after me. Landed 32K in damage with a set of B24s, oh what fun! Fully in dar the whole time.
We are losing players everyday. HTC better do something or they will open AH3 to the last dozen or so of us that will stick it out as we have stuck it out through the years. Sure it will be pretty, but we still wont be able to find a fight.