That's great work, I'm really impressed with that - clean, keep it simple, accurate directions, with accompanying videos. Nice sidebar directory on the left etc. One thing I would ask you add is a bit about launching the VR unit of choice at the beginning, prior to launching AH, even though it seems obvious. Having the exact method of launching the VR unit, and especially any settings needed in it, ie the newer pixel density edit settings for the Vive to make gauges readable in other games like DCS, I assume this could possibly apply to AH3 as well maybe - assumption, but it does make everything look better overall in other games, so bringing this up in your instructions would add a bit more details.
Excellent work, that's the only positive input I have, as there isn't any negatives here IMO.
This type of learning method/site wouldn't be a bad idea to mimick for a complete guide to playing AH3 for new players - all the other majors like Star Citizen, Elite, and so on have a similar thing going. I think VR could bring in a lot of new blood here, and having a one stop shop for learning done like this would be a home wrong.
Again, well done.
So much potential with the controllers as well - I can envision driving a tank with the HOTAS, and then picking up a Vive controller and using it as the machine gun or turret controls, main gun controls, etc. Or, in bombers, having a controller in each hand to simulate the handles of the .50 cal weapons, or turret controls in the dual/quad mounted stations. So much potential on top of the visual stuff. I can't wait to get main and try this out.