Author Topic: Let's get more people back in the skies!  (Read 5064 times)

Offline kappa

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2016, 09:17:34 PM »
Hey, you guys are right.. Lets vote to do nothing.. thats simple..

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2016, 09:27:02 PM »
I don't mind coming back, but I don't really care for being a chew toy for some of you elitist sticks.

we are the 99%

Offline skjackd

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2016, 09:47:56 PM »
I have been in the game 10 years. I have seen the titanic Tuesdays the days where you seen 400 people on and I am here now. I will admit I will run to ack when I am out numbered or know the guy is waiting for me to clear the ack to kill me. What I see is that the small maps bring the fights faster. I would not mind to see the big maps fall from the rotation right now until the player base comes back. I also think that the beta when it goes live will bring new players. We r playing an outdated game right now, and the long time players think it is because of the tactics. When I started there was vulchers, alt monkeys and ack huggers. I think maybe the old guys should be more helpful to the new guys instead of thinking easy kill. I am guilty of this as much as the next guy. The game will make a comeback we just have to be patient.

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Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2016, 02:35:07 AM »
I think that is a pretty good idea. The length of the trial period is debatable, but longer could possibly yield better results. I was also hooked quickly,after just trying the offline arena. I know, I am easy lol
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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2016, 08:34:44 AM »

I have been here for 15 years. I have see it start, blossom into its heyday, and now dwindle down to what we have now. I have see the continuous furballs we use to have, the beginning of the base takes, the zone strats/bases the capture lines, the country wide squad ops, the squad head to heads, the birth of the hordes, and the dropping of country dar just to tweak off players.

I know how to play this game as well as every facet of this game. I know very well how the players use to play and how it has changed over the years to what we have now, and I can tell you splitting off on another arena is not how you grow the population.

How is adding 50 players to a death bowl arena going to add any players to the main arena? At best your going to pull some of the players out of the mains to join in the death bowl if it becomes that popular.

You need to increase the game play in the main arenas to increase the population and to maintain that increase. Players are not going to come into this game and get vulched or waste time chasing players who run or hide in ack and say "Hell ya!!! I want to spend money on this!" If game play isn't tweaked to make it more fun and challenging with out the "short cuts" everyone uses now players are going to come in, play a bit, and leave.

You are assuming that there is a limited # of people who can play AH. The theory that more people flying in a death bowl would limit activity in the MA is false. Here is why, assume there is an infinite amount of players on the market. The goal is to attract as many of those players as seemingly possible, in order to keep the game rolling. If you could bring just 100 new players and sucker them in with a death bowl, they would naturally try the MA, just to see how it is. This would actually increase the MA #s. Not every one wants quick intense fighting. This basically is the exact opposite of the MA. This would make the MA seems more strategical. People would join a super quick fight like the death bowl, and then switch to a more structural game play like the MA. It's basically saying, here is an intense fighter arena, and here is a organised war arena. It would provide a balance to the same ole MA style of play. It would give players an option, which would increase subscribers and game play for both arenas.

Your last paragraph proves my point. The only way to increase the game play #1 is to increase the player base. How do you increase the player base? Providing an arena where players can find super quick fights, and learn the game better, then they would enter the MA and try that out. The amount of new people checking out the MA would increase the fights in the MA, thus creating more fun. "Players aren't going to come into the game and get vulched or waste time chasing players running to ack." That's exactly why creating this arena is a good idea. It limits all of that boring type of game play and encourages people to learn how to fight. It gives players a second option instead of logging off in Boredom. The opposite of boredom is intensity. The opposite of a strategic long term  MA is chaos, and people love that crap, that's why a death bowl will be extremely helpful in helping players enjoy intense fighting with quick action. Why not give players another option instead of watching them log off because they get vulched and players run from them all the time? Why not have an option so players don't spend 30 minutes getting to a fight, only to die in the first 10 seconds they engage. There has to be a quick fight solution or these types of players will not subscribe.

The Damned(est. 1988)
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Offline popeye

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2016, 10:22:02 AM »
If the Death Bowl would be that much more exciting than the "boredom" of the MA, I'm guessing more MA players would migrate to the DB, than noobs who were attracted by the DB style of play would migrate to the MA.

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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #36 on: July 27, 2016, 11:09:33 AM »
If the Death Bowl would be that much more exciting than the "boredom" of the MA, I'm guessing more MA players would migrate to the DB, than noobs who were attracted by the DB style of play would migrate to the MA.

Would you rather have people migrate into another arena to continue playing the game if the MA is slow and does not benefit their style of play, or would you rather them log and not play the game at all? The people who log and don't play at all decrease the overall #s playing the game, thus slowing down the fun. If they go to an arena with quicker action than those people are still playing the game, thus increases the chances of more people finding fights and having fun, thus increases the amount of players in total, because more people are playing.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 11:13:39 AM by DmonSlyr »
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #37 on: July 27, 2016, 11:39:13 AM »
Most people don't want to furballing these days, it is a dieing breed. Saying a death bowl will bring in more people is like a dealership putting cars on sale hoping to sell trucks. It just won't work.

Offline popeye

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #38 on: July 27, 2016, 11:42:20 AM »
I would rather concentrate on modifying the gameplay in the MA to make it more attractive to new (and veteran) players, rather than bleed off MA players to a new DB, thus ensuring the death of the MA.  It seems that the OP is suggesting that the MA experience is beyond hope and it's time to just give up on it and switch to a more one-dimensional arcade style experience to keep and attract players.  Maybe it is....


Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2016, 11:50:13 AM »
Most people don't want to furballing these days, it is a dieing breed. Saying a death bowl will bring in more people is like a dealership putting cars on sale hoping to sell trucks. It just won't work.

I completely disagree. All the furballers have left because there are no other furballers to fight. Now they are stuck aimlessly floating around chasing tiny red dars during the off hours, players log off because it's not exciting. All of the furballers will go play a different game now. You are left with strat nuts who don't want to find enemies to fight against. Most people do want furballs, but the dying #s have decreased the furballers, therefore there are no furballers. How do you create furballers? You create a room for them to furball. Those people will test their skills in the MA. This will cause more furballs in the MA. This will keep more people playing the game. This will get more people interested in flying fighters and furballing again.
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Offline TheBug

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #40 on: July 27, 2016, 12:00:41 PM »
Who are you trying to convince and why?  :headscratch:
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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #41 on: July 27, 2016, 12:30:10 PM »
Who are you trying to convince and why?  :headscratch:

Hi-tech mostly, and for all of my friends and the players who have left because of the excitement level during the off hours. I've listened and studied the reasons why people aren't utilizing the DA lake. I've studied why people aren't having the great fights they had before. I've studied why people are having such a hard time finding fights, which is why they are logging and/or canceling or not starting a subscription. It's because of 1, map layouts, and 2 there is no place to have quick spontaneous fights. The layout of the DA lake does not support this type of game play. Many new players do not understand the MA. Many new players just want to grab a plane to fly and shoot people down as soon as possible. They don't want to spend 20 minutes flying to a base only to not find a fight. They don't want to constantly get ganged and vulched, this won't happen in a all green death bowl FFA with air spawns. This is not even close to a match making type of play. This is an arena for people to enter who just want quick fights. If I log on, and there are no dars and little fights, but I really want to play AH, I am stuck because there are no fights and I can't join an arena that provides that. Instead of flying in a DB arena, I log off and do something else. This is what SOOO many players do. If it happens a lot, they un-subscribe. Wouldn't it be better if players joined a DB type of arena, rather than log off or quit all together? At least after 30_40 minutes in the DB, I can look back in the MA and see if the fights have picked up.
But all you guys seem to think it would be pulling players out of the MA. They are already being pulled out of the MA when they log off. There is an infinite amount of players who can play this game. If you increase the #s overall, it will increase the amount of people in the MA, and increase the amount of new subscribers who want quick action. These new subscribers would wonder into the MA and create fights.
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Offline TheBug

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #42 on: July 27, 2016, 12:37:07 PM »
I hear ya and I'm not disputing your idea.  I can't be sure whether it would be good or bad.  But the only person you would need to convince would be Hitech but based on past (and very recent) history why bother going to such great lengths trying?  Post it in the wishlist forum and just let it ride.  It's not necessarily a bad idea and what comes of it is up to no one that has posted here.  :salute
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Offline JimmyC

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #43 on: July 27, 2016, 03:38:13 PM »
I agree with The bug..
And in the mean time...start a fight..make the darbar
Others will see it and  come.
Go in attack mode and pester a.base...or take it if they won't defend.
If you log off.for not.seeing a darbar..others won't see your darbar..
Believe me I understand low numbers..I am on at the worst times possible..
I can still have reality you don't need 20 people to.fight..although that is fun..
Just one or two is still a good fight..even better sometimes.
If you decide to log..make a map..a small map seem very persistent that small maps are important..make the best small map we have seen.I don't think the small maps are that great that we have..lots of flight time between bases..good when we had numbers..but.low numbers a bit opinion..make a cracker of a map.
You seem to have thought long and hard about all the stuff in the game...utilise this knowledge.
We all love this game and want to see it keep have put your point across very eloquently..maybe the next step is to help change it from within..make a map..with a deathbowl area.
Fighter town.
It's a bit of a challenge I know.but it's an option.
Let's not keep bashing the game..let's work with what we have.
Jimmy :salute
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: Let's get more people back in the skies!
« Reply #44 on: July 27, 2016, 04:34:39 PM »
violator would you care to share the data you studied?  i would love to validate your ideas.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.