Author Topic: Attack label when rolling light  (Read 18130 times)

Offline Dobs

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Attack label when rolling light
« on: October 09, 2016, 05:01:06 PM »
Anyway to either make it score you automatically as fighter if you have no rockets or bombs and score you as Attack if you do roll rocket and bombs?

Somehow ended up with an afternoon of fighter work stuck under the attack label...

Or pop up the option box (like on a mission) asking you how you want to score it?

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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2016, 05:27:24 PM »
Not a bug. What if you just want to strafe ack?

Try a checklist if you can't remember to set it.

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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2016, 09:29:39 AM »
Anyway to keep this guy off my posts...I don't want his opinion. I'm highlighting what I see as an issue...

There is no squelch button on the board that I can see.
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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2016, 09:41:18 AM »
There is no squelch button on the board that I can see.

There is an ignore function. Got to "modify profile", Buddies/Ignore List, Edit Ignore List.
There you can add users at will.

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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2016, 10:15:01 AM »
I'm highlighting what I see as an issue...
What you see as an issue, many feel is a feature...  If your wish were to come true, they may be upset by it. 

Just a thought...

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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2016, 11:25:25 AM »
Why they call them enhancements in the software world.....

Usually collocated with the all the bugs written up.....delegated to places like this "wish list" due to resource requirements. 

Sort of like being able to detune the 6-9 GV guys on range voice who are asking each other if they heard anything during a 20 plane furball over their head....we can always wish for an option to detune ground/detune air...and have "all" still as default.  Doesn't mean you have to do it, just means it is available if you want to have it... a simple "Prompt for scoring options" box to check each time you click to go OTR.

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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2016, 11:45:26 AM »
Why they call them enhancements in the software world.....

Usually collocated with the all the bugs written up.....delegated to places like this "wish list" due to resource requirements. 

Sort of like being able to detune the 6-9 GV guys on range voice who are asking each other if they heard anything during a 20 plane furball over their head....we can always wish for an option to detune ground/detune air...and have "all" still as default.  Doesn't mean you have to do it, just means it is available if you want to have it... a simple "Prompt for scoring options" box to check each time you click to go OTR.
I see this has been moved to the wishlist forum, from the bug reports, makes more sense here...  With that, I less inclined to support it.  I personally hate bug prompts like that. 

BTW, if you don't want to hear others opinions like FLS, you should just email HTC with your wish.  Or is it that you don't like opinions that don't agree with yours?  If that's the case, I willingly accept you adding me to your ignore list.  Sad though it is.  The vets can really help you...
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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2016, 12:07:30 PM »
It would be a nice quality of life feature to have in game but it's a feature that I could do with or without.  I've already trained myself after years of experience just to do a mental checklist before I take off.  It also helps that I only use P-38L for attack sorties and P-38J for fighter sorties so if I pick the L, it's already scored as attack and when I pick the J model, it's always scored as fighter.
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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2016, 12:19:31 PM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 12:20:30 PM by Skuzzy »
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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2016, 12:36:15 PM »
I see this has been moved to the wishlist forum, from the bug reports, makes more sense here...  With that, I less inclined to support it.  I personally hate bug prompts like that. 

BTW, if you don't want to hear others opinions like FLS, you should just email HTC with your wish.  Or is it that you don't like opinions that don't agree with yours?  If that's the case, I willingly accept you adding me to your ignore list.  Sad though it is.  The vets can really help you...

The amount of help he has provided has been minimal...

If you actually read the'll see there is an option to enable the prompt...defaulted "as it currently is", so for those who hate to experience anything new, you don't have to.  For those of us who aren't perfect and don't have a plane for every mission, and hate finding out after a few hours of playing that you've been flying under "attack" scoring, its just an "OPTION" to remind us.

Or I could just wait a few years and go with this..." I've already trained myself after years of experience just to do a mental checklist before I take off."
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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2016, 01:19:50 PM »
The amount of help he has provided has been minimal...

That's not true. Even you should be able to see that if not admit it.

Asking politely works but I'll make it easy for you. Wish granted if you aren't posting in Help and Training.  :aok

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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2016, 02:44:16 PM »
i up with rockets in fighter mode to vulch.  i also up with no tickets or bombs to deack fields or kill m3's if ords are down.

best to have a check list if you forget.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2016, 03:22:07 PM »
Dobs, I have wished for this before myself. Let me break down why it probably will never get added. First, furballs are a big part of AH. While the same cannot be said about WWII (not many furball missions), nevertheless it is true of this game. The one thing that distinguishes a gamer from an historical participant is score. Those that prefer the furball claim that the people wishing to 'clean up' their scores by correcting this problem with 'fighter' vs 'attack' would only increase the variance between the furball aficionado and the historical aficionado vis-à-vis score. So really, the guys that hate score are arguing on the basis of score.

Historically, it wouldn't matter. A mission is a mission, but the official record would indicate what type of mission you were on and which kills resulted. So, in the end the real problem is that the game does not distinguish one type of kill from another, and so you have to choose before you launch. I think that the attack category should have greater weight of influence on the score page, precisely because you are carrying bombs, and rockets. However, the launch button has weight now because otherwise it would also have to track each bomb or rocket you just dropped as you were engaged. I hope that makes sense to you.

Just wait until you repeatedly rearm for 20-30 kills and then discover you are in fighter mode. Yeh, . . . I'll just go ahead and take those kills now. . .
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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2016, 03:51:12 PM »
I had wished, for the same thing Dobs a couple of years ago.

Like Ack-Ack,  I keep the J model in fighter and the L model in attack.  With the P-47 the D stays in attack and all others in fighter.  About the same with the F4Us.

Not what I prefer but it works.

I can not remember any negative comments on my wish back then.  It seemed to only be a problem to those of us who fly in the attack mode nearly as much or more than fighter mode.

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Re: Attack label when rolling light
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2016, 03:53:03 PM »

I figured it was easier to ask for an option, then to try to change scoring methodology. 

To me, you kill a ground target you get an attack score...if it is a GV, a gun, a building or whatnot...if it is attached to the ground it is a attack points.

The opposite holds true....if I'm loaded for bear with rox and bombs and happen upon a low C-47 and I shoot it down....I don't expect to get attack points, but fighter points for an aerial kill.

If they made this, you could distinguish between guys killing GVS over and over again under fighter score, and fighters killing aerial vehicles ....but I elected not to go that route, but ask for a simple option that I have to enable to prompt me each time I roll as to how I want to score my sortie.

Thank you for the response, and to be honest I use score right now as a measure of improvement.... once I get more than a month under my belt I might look at it differently. 


And more posting under Help and training.
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