The Axis flat out whooped us.
The only thing that matters is numbers at the point of contact and Allied forces were all over the map.
Fighter support got out of sync with bombers. Bombers flew unescorted ahead of fighters.
The P38 cannot anchor and turn with 109's in equal numbers or worse yet that is what happened in every engagement.
We flew girl scout trail formations and encountered 109's in line abreast. They win the merge and they win the fight.
The Allied side was sloppy and the Axis was not.
Wherever contact was made the Axis poured in assets until they wiped out the attack.
Its pretty simple, he who has the most wins the fight and the Axis made sure they had the most at the point of contact.
I was in my own group for this one, not flying with the JG11 guys in 109's. but as I am reading this, in my mind I can hear Stampf "OK boys line it up... LINE ABREAST KILL EM ALL NO LOSES Get em from the TOP DOWN That's IT That's IT!"
I was GL of the FW-190s and had orders to hang over target fields. We watched on DAR and text as the battle unfolded every hour. My pilots did not like it and we were in the back flying in circles while the fight was going on. We took some flack from 109 drivers over this too.
Then when our bases started flashing more times then not we were there or very close and the killing of A-20's would begin. We were the defense. As I understand it, the allies did not bother with that. Looking at all the stuff destroyed on the logs, it would seem true.
It has been said that planning does not matter. Well, I would have to disagree with that. We had a plan, we stuck with it.
After that last scenario I was shocked to see BOMBERS unescorted every time.
I had a great time and enjoyed flying with the same crew for the most part again.
For only having 6 planes at a time, we managed 92 kills with 87 assists on 72 sorties. It was a great day.
My wife asked me today "What time do you start up this Saturday?" I was honest and told her the next one is in February.
Already looking forward to it...