Joker, all I can say is, the Axis went into this really planning on just having fun and knowing, KNOWING, we were going to lose. We thought the same thing you thought, we were up against spits, p38s and a slew of hardened bombers. We were stunned, absolutely stunned, when you guys didn't do anything we expected you to do and dreaded. We kept waiting, and waiting, for the hammer to fall that would have dominated us. It never came.
We weren't even sure how we did until the logs came out, and I actually thought at one point Brooke reversed the sides and mixed us up. I was stunned at the pummeling the Allies took, you guys were simply always at our best position and not yours. It could have easily been reversed, there were so many times we saw a partial set up of a plan coming and the supporting pieces of yours never showed up to finish it. We found A20s low on the deck, and their escorts High and a full sector away. We found bombers alone. We found what seems to have been your entire fighter roster in a group that found a squadron of ours and destroyed it, while the rest of us were flying around wiping your unescorted stuff. Shoot I was, for much of the event, the only 110c flying and had groups dive down to the deck to get me, lucky we didn't have the heavy bombers right there with me, I stripped your high cap from a field all by myself.
Much of this isn't a plane versus plane problem. I know Vudu got a little defensive but in all honesty, he worked hard, we fought hard, and to have our success relegated to an imbalance of planes instead of a team that really did pull itself together and adapt incredibly well would have set me off too

He led a good team, give him credit where it's due.