The biggest hurdle on this terrain will be the first foot hold capture. The mid band fields of each country have cross water gv spawns that connect their three islands to give you a strategic capture path. None between the different countries. You have to old school the first capture while everyone can see it will be one of the shoreline fields connected in the spawn web. Capturing one of the island tip three sf fields just makes a big furball, and the medium fields will spawn bombers to keep it shut down. If you want the ports, you have to fight for them, then fight to hold them. There will be PT spawns all over the place to make CV groups work for their grief and no place to hide from bombers.
Late night small numbers will have things to do, the tiny tank arena, furballing in the center, or "trying" to sneek around and take fields on a map you cannot get lost on like so many from our mega hoard days. The buzzsaw terrain design of instant combat and easy access to things to blow up is our foreseeable future until our numbers pick up again.
I realized when I started this map I agonized over building it to protect my country's strat and bases from easy capture along with it's resources like our anti mega hoard terrains. Then I played for an evening on buzzsaw and had a revelation after a fun evening. I'm building the terrain for everyone to find a fight and have fun. So the strats are honey pots to start fights, the central sf feilds are all close together, no place to hide CV's, the HQ and city are just sitting there at 5000ft if you want to challenge the aa feilds and kill the 163 hangers. And the fun from the AH2 CraterMA tank arena is back in the tiny central tank arena with three tiny GV un-capturable bases.
And for the lone wolf strategic bomber guys, there is one lone large airfeild with no GV spawns to it for them to up and drive around all night single finger saluting, or two 5k super large airfields under the caldera rim to fly around the rim out of radar and try to poop on the other HQs. 5k is the highest elevation on the terrain, it's 5k at the base of the 23,000ft mountain range running down to SL in the center pond. No one will have any real advantage on the terrain like those 9k bases on buzzsaw.