This. The other guy's gunnery is an approximation on your end. If there's a moment of lag as you're getting hit, it can come across on your end all at once so you go from showroom fresh to tower and may only hear one ping or a couple.
Good point! I am not sure exactly how lag works but like others , just roll with it. I have on the other hand, seen a LARGE increase in other planes warping,even saw a T34 and jeep warp a few times. I know its a new graphics engine but STILL the same internet
Would under preforming computer systems cause lag to be more prevalent? I believe that lag and gunnery is a " If you see it, you get it" system? Like i shoot see damage, other guy is damaged...whether he saw it on his end or not? May not be worded correctly
It just seems that I see a lot of hit sprites on my end, usually in a spit16, and alot of the time the damage seems to be slight. Then on the other end, it seems I cant fly through a sector with someone shooting 20 mils and not get obliterated.
This isnt a complaint, just a observation. Just wondering how all this new stuff and old stuff works together.