How many AMRAAMs does an F-16 normally carry? After all that's the main type the F-35A is replacing. It can carry a maximum of six, but then it would have to leave its wing tanks at home. OK for short range point-interception I guess, but not much else.(Image removed from quote.)
6 AMRAAMS should be enough, if you need more than that on a mission you will be in it deep.
Viper can also carry Sidewinders and it has a gun that works. Why no tanks? They'll fit it appears.
Weight restrictions? I've never seen a Viper with six AMRAAMs and bags on. I have seen a two-bag Viper with four AMRAAMs and a pair of winders, but most carry only four missiles total.
A very short range F-18 you got there. Pretty much only useful for point-interception of mass bomber formations. However it is a couple of missiles short of what the F-35 can carry in a similar configuration.(Image removed from quote.)
Good. We agree on something. The F-35 will get its six internal AMRAAMs in a block upgrade.(Image removed from quote.)
You have a picture?