Author Topic: Who Loves ENY?  (Read 18380 times)

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #255 on: January 20, 2017, 06:51:03 PM »
Cant wait until Caldera get his ENY 60 Zeppelin into melee arean  :P

My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline molybdenum

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Re: Who Loves ENY?
« Reply #256 on: January 20, 2017, 09:16:16 PM »
We are a flexible bunch.  I love my squadron but I am not paying $15 a month to have my
Mustang stuck in the bleeping hangar EVERY SINGLE TIME I log on.

Planes are very MUCH relevant. 

Your OPINION is not mine.

Jeez. so fly rook. They NEVER have ENY nowadays. If it's that big a deal, get the squad to fly rook: rooks need all the help they can get nowadays.
Some people whine just to whine.

Offline TheRapier

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #257 on: January 21, 2017, 04:46:39 PM »

You know what the nearly last half of the month looked like, or would if you actually looked at the stats.

Put yourself in the place of a player. How long is it before you conclude that the game design and ENY is faulty? How long is it before YOU decide that its just not worth it? That the developer for no real reason, is wedded to the past in an iron clad way.

This game once had THOUSANDS OF PLAYERS. The MMO WWII air combat genre once had nearly 100k players. Now ask yourself, where did they all go? Statistically they didn't all die. You offer in an ironclad way, the same game play that brought them here. Why on the green earth, do they not play now? Are the other games so enticing? I will humbly offer an idea. The blind intransigence that says that this game was perfect at a certain point and won't, CAN'T be changed in any meaningful way tells people that THIS is for sale and nothing else. It tells them, like this very particular incarnation or quit. Like THIS or go find something else. YOU tell them this. They choose WITH THEIR FEET and go somewhere else. The pretty new graphics don't bring them herding in. The hole left by AH is amply filled with re-runs. If that doesn't hurt then you really need to reexamine what you think.

Blind obstinacy is not an endearing trait in any individual, ever. Whether you can see it or not, people totally understand the "My way or the highway" manner in which this game is run in. I'm sure you don't talk to the people that have left but others do having made friendships that last for decades and will out last this game. You can watch your friends leave for years and pretty soon the reason that you were in the game has disappeared. The game play itself did not keep you here, THE PEOPLE DID!!!!

Nearly universally, the comment I hear back in trying to entice people to try it again is, "It's never going to change, HiTech is never going to change. HiTech will never listen. Why bother?"

I personally have found I can't even get them to enter the forum for this reason, even to find solutions for why the game isn't working for them. If you are looking for the reason why people leave and don't return, just think about that.

If this is what you intend then you are succeeding and please don't change. But if you want this game to grow, then really think about this. How much and how often and in how many different ways do you need to be told before it sinks in? If doing the same dang thing over and over brought you a game that is less than 1/10th the size it used to be, WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU? Seriously, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. You are a smart guy doing some really incomprehensible things. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?

Why for the love of Pete are you married to ENY?

You will find that this will be true for anything that you have decided is part of what AH is. Sometimes the human body needs surgery to remain alive, to grow. A tree needs pruning to get bigger. A plant needs to be repotted into a bigger pot to grow. DO YOU SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING??
CO Musketeers
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They thought it would be a disgrace to go forth in a group.  Each entered the forest at a point that he had chosen where there was no path and where it was darkest. La Queste de St G

Offline Arlo

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #258 on: January 21, 2017, 05:19:38 PM »


Blind obstinacy is not an endearing trait in any individual, ever.


Why for the love of Pete are you married to ENY?

Over 4 hours? So it's not a case of switching sides and minutes later ENY follows you. Why are you 'married' to Knights?

Offline bustr

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #259 on: January 21, 2017, 06:01:06 PM »
Rapier a population control mechanism is needed because we have seen in 15 years players look for any way they can to disrupt the arena just to do it. And the newer generations have grown up in games where you are a hero if you pull it off, and will keep trying if no one stops them.

At the beginning of AH before ENY, it looks like Hitech trusted us all to do the right thing and just have fun flying and fighting. Until an organized group decided to not do the right thing and people canceled their subscriptions over it because that group crapped on them because they could get away with it. And they gained supporters each week because it was better to swing the bat than take it in the knees. You may have known some of the original organizers of the weekly knee capping event.

So do we want to go back to that and one evening just can't get of the ground at any base in our favorite crotch rockets because some group is sticking it in Hitech's eye over something again?

We lost numbers 8 years ago because of economics and not, Hitech drove your freinds away. 94 million people soon had real life reasons to stop spending money on games and other entertainment. The economy will pick up again now with the change in DC. AH3 is live and still requires tweeking by Hitech which is a full time endeavor at this time. Screaming at him will not change the fact he has a to do list of code tweeking that has to be addressed while there is only him, Waffle and Skuzzy. And the small things like the quick change of the clip board map rolled out in one day was just that. "A small change" for Hitech to introduce a quick change inspired by a player's wish list that day who doesn't scream at it him on a regular basis. You can always change countries to stay in your favorite crotch rocket based on how ENY was designed to control the population. If you don't want to change, then you wait out being stuck with inferior rides.

Almost sounds like two sides in a supreme court case arguing the country has to allow customers to take over ownership of private companies when they disagree with the owner based on paradigm shifts in the economy.

Plaintiff: Your honor, the owner is obviously stuck in the previous industry paradigm and is doing grievous harm to his customers. We believe the only way to save the company from him, is to take over ownership of the company and guidance of his creative abilities to achieve a net positive social outcome for the customer. Originally we collectively argued with him in good faith that he was on the wrong track for any positive social outcome for his customers. He ignored our arguments in favor of his own reasons for not doing what we deemed necessary for the good of his customers.

Justice: And at any point do you ever give back full control of the company to the creative owner, and how do you keep him creating the product for you if he just walks away? Can you create this product yourself? And why were his reasons inferior to yours?

Plaintiff: We had not thought the owner would want to walk away or he would have done so before forcing us to this point. And no we cannot create the same product. As for his inferior reasons to ours, his reasons placed limits on our enjoyment of his product based on an out of date rules system that we collectively agreed had to be changed to save his company from himself. 

Justice: Bailiff, go outside and see what flag is flying over the capitol building this week, then find me a copy of the Constitution Wikipedia says that flag represents. Obviously I took a wrong turn this morning in Albuquerque on my way to Pismo beach. Gotta stop eating that extra hot galactic planet burner burrito before going to bed......

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #260 on: January 21, 2017, 07:57:32 PM »
Let the lower side have 262s and 163s for free from all fields and see how fun it would be.

I  guess it would be not that fun at all for the high numbers side, soon requesting both sides flew non-perked birds, or the high numbered side should enjoy the same perk-free rides.

Everyone looks good outnumbering the enemy 2:1 in equal planes locally.

An example- took off from a base in an A8 alone, at 4k I was jumped by 3 high P47M coming screaming down to get me.

I managed to avoid getting killed, but they got one elevator and 2 guns shot out. Managed to land  at the base gear up, and was called 'weak' for not wanting to continue the fight, outnumbered, against much better planes - 3:1 - them with all the E you ask for - and me shot up.

It's the human nature to want all advantages can have.

One answer could be local ENY along the front-line.

Not really liking the idea of allowing the high side to have uber rides, but if it keeps people from logging off, it would be an acceptable compromise. 

Next we'll get an avalanche of threads from the same people, demanding everything to be un-perked.  :old:

An alternative idea would be to shorten the side switch time, based on the number of players in game.   :aok
My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline Zimme83

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #261 on: January 21, 2017, 09:20:22 PM »
Problem is that 99% of the players go after the easiest target they could find,i have no illusions about what would happen if ENY was removed. People are already ganging the low number side and complains when they don't up so they could be killed by the glorious vulchers.. ENY at least gives the outnumbered guys the chance to up a perk ride from a rear field and pick off the horde...

''The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge'' - Stephen Hawking

Offline Arlo

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #262 on: January 21, 2017, 10:13:23 PM »
Problem is that 99% of the players go after the easiest target they could find,i have no illusions about what would happen if ENY was removed. People are already ganging the low number side and complains when they don't up so they could be killed by the glorious vulchers.. ENY at least gives the outnumbered guys the chance to up a perk ride from a rear field and pick off the horde...

Offline BowHTR

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #263 on: January 21, 2017, 10:43:21 PM »
My prediction for tomorrow:


Yadda yadda yadda, I cant leave the Knights, yadda yadda yadda ENY, yadda yadda yadda ENY is mean, yadda yadda yadda I cant live without my 5ENY ride, yadda yadda yadda HiTech is a meanie that wont let me have my way, yadda yadda yadda.
AH Supporter Since Tour 35

Offline JunkyII

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #264 on: January 21, 2017, 11:23:45 PM »
Seems to be about three or four players, then. Everyone else has given their best suggestions on how to get over it.
You are either very stupid or incredibly naive....can't figure out which it is :headscratch:
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Offline Arlo

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #265 on: January 22, 2017, 01:28:20 AM »
You are either very stupid or incredibly naive....can't figure out which it is :headscratch:

Able to count?

Offline Volron

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #266 on: January 22, 2017, 02:46:32 AM »
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
Quote from: Pyro
Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.

Offline JunkyII

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #267 on: January 22, 2017, 01:33:03 PM »
Able to count?
someones not counting the people who don't post on the bbs
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Offline waystin2

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #268 on: January 22, 2017, 01:47:08 PM »
You'll see the Pigs being regular Rook visitors as long as the night time ENY remains high.
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: For the love of all that is holy, please KILL ENY!
« Reply #269 on: January 22, 2017, 01:53:02 PM »
the majority of people dont post on the bb and that goes for both sides.  besides why you guys still arguing.  hitech already gave his opinion.  and his is the only one that counts.

I dont like eny because I cant fly my pony.  so I use the ponyb then a p47. or logoff and come back the next day.  what some of you guys fail to notice is that eny moves up and down rather fast sometimes.  I have taken off in a pony to come back and land to have eny.  take off in a ponyb to come back that the p51 is now available.  to come back and land and have eny again.

hitech is not going to give up on his idea for eny and switch time.  he's got the numbers to justify it and it's useless if he gives you his data because some of you will just come back and ask for eny or switch time to be changed based on your interpretation of data.  after all we all want to be right or at least have the appearance that we are.  look at viracu he can switch his idea of what he wants 2 or 3 times in the same thread.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.