Author Topic: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection  (Read 4325 times)

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2017, 03:25:44 AM »
I concur.  That lag in rudder response is a pain in the butt.  Even on the B-24 you could bang the rudders back and forth as quickly as you could stomp the pedals, not so in game.

I expect the B-24 rudder pedals are harder to push than PC game controllers.

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2017, 03:30:58 AM »
I expect the B-24 rudder pedals are harder to push than PC game controllers.

You're rationalizing.   

Read what the man said.   He has experience in the actual aircraft.   If you can do it in a B-24 you can do it in a P-51 sitting on the ramp.   

Also, as Dobs pointed out, you're using the strongest muscles available.    The control surface (rudder) should deflect at the same rate as the rudder controls are moved. 
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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2017, 04:46:26 PM »
You want to see your rudder whip around in a flash sitting on the runway, take off 20,000 from each end of the rudder calibration numbers. It's a great way to never get off the ground due to constant ground loops. And if you use auto takeoff, your flight experience will get really exciting first time you touch a peddle.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2017, 04:53:22 PM »
You want to see your rudder whip around in a flash sitting on the runway, take off 20,000 from each end of the rudder calibration numbers. It's a great way to never get off the ground due to constant ground loops. And if you use auto takeoff, your flight experience will get really exciting first time you touch a peddle.

Players should not have to open a .cfg or .ini file and fudge numbers to make things like this possible.
This has been wished for before, but it should be a feature we already have.
We can adjust inner dead-band, but not the outer.  Hell, even the Saitek software allows for this.
The math is already there, so please don't tell me how much more work HiTech and his staff would have to do.  ;)

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2017, 05:29:05 PM »
All of the files you can edit with notepad in the game will auto regenerate to a first time state if you delete them. You can back them up which is a good practice anyway.

So you don't want to know the file to edit to set terrain editor bases uncapturable when the Ctrl mouse click won't tag them which it does from time to time? Or the ones you can delete to get fresh ones generated before running your final build? You don't want to know that the default gunsights have a size control file with a .mil extension which will let you make your gunsight smaller or larger? I made all of those for AH3.

If you are curious and like to fiddle with programs, the game has many files you can fiddle with and it won't hurt the game. It's just an external way to apply changes to the game that you click buttons on the clipboard for. I have found no way to screw up the game in 15 years by doing this unless I deleted by accident .exe, .dll, or .res files. Then you just run a full install and copy over your backed up settings folder.

All the calibration line in the rudder.jsm file does is log your maximum potentiometer end throws and center point that your device mechanically returns itself to. If you edit the file and tell it your potentiometer has a much shorter throw, then the game will reflect that by deflecting your rudder to its maximum positions left and right with less input from your rudder peddles. And since you have told it your potentiometer throw is shorter, the rudder in game will hit it's ends faster. This is good and bad depending on the individual player's abilities but, you still have to fly the plane inside of the same physics environment everyone else is and learn your ACM and SA.

You can do this for your joystick so the throw distance is much smaller requiring less effort from your wrist. That with additional tension bands I MODDed my CH Fighterstick potentiometer yoke with, makes it hard auto center and feel like a real stick due to the tension band feed back. Way back in the 90's I worked for a sound card company that had a partnership with Thrust Mater. I was paid by my company to play AW so I could be the phone support for game problems realted to AW. Thrust Master shipped me replacement parts as I wore out their products in the game. I thought games were also about the MODDing to get a "self perceived" performance edge and that deep down good feeling rebuilding your own short block engine used to give guys way back when.

So from your gist, I should even stop developing gunsights for the game because it might cause problems for Hitech? Did you know the 100mph principle for 100Mil gunsight rings works in the game just like the WW2 gunnery manuals describe because of how good Hitech's physics modeling is? I used to include all of those manuals in my AH2 Historic Gunsight package.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2017, 07:17:02 PM »
I expect the B-24 rudder pedals are harder to push than PC game controllers.

On the ground they move quite easily but yes, somewhat more resistance than my CH pedals.

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2017, 07:18:38 PM »
I only notice this "lag" in the rudder, not ailerons or elevator.

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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2017, 10:07:03 PM »
I only notice this "lag" in the rudder, not ailerons or elevator.

Bingo.  It makes no sense. 

Does bustr's fix also solve the rate issue?   If the time from center to full throw is still half a second we've only created a variation of the problem. 
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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2017, 12:05:43 AM »
Are you guys sure that it's the game and not a hardware issue such as your pedals?  The reason I ask is that I haven't noticed any sort of lag input with the rudders on the P-38 with my VKB pedals but with my CH pedals, rudder input always felt mushy.  My pedals now are so sensitive that I had to scale them because the slightest touch on the pedals would make the rudders move.
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2017, 01:14:34 AM »
Are you guys sure that it's the game and not a hardware issue such as your pedals?  The reason I ask is that I haven't noticed any sort of lag input with the rudders on the P-38 with my VKB pedals but with my CH pedals, rudder input always felt mushy.  My pedals now are so sensitive that I had to scale them because the slightest touch on the pedals would make the rudders move.

Try it on the P-51 and see.  Dobs said the P-38 has the same issue, btw.

The point is not making them move.  The point is the time delay between full rudder input and full rudder deflection.   There is a noticeable lag.   That is simply inaccurate.
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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2017, 04:37:49 PM »
As soon as I move my peddles, I get deflection motion at the rate I scaled the rudder to slow down an almost instant slap to full deflection by removing 17000 from each end of the potentiometer scale line. That is sitting on the runway and watching it deflect as I push the peddles. As for in flight, who knows unless you are trying to start the opening salvo with Hitech to convince him he has something with the P51 wrong and this is post v1.00 in a long campaign.

Just copy off your rudderpeddlebrandname.jsm file as a backup. Then edit the active one in notepad and change the first number to 10000 and delete 10000 off the last number which will change it to 55535. Then up your P51 offline and watch your rudder peddle deflections. Depending on the brand of rudder peddle, the line will either say "rudder", or "z axis", or "slider", or "z rotation".

Other wise if it is that finger toggle in Siatek throttle quadrants, or a twisty stick rudder, I think it says "z rotation" for the twisty and "axis-yaw" for the finger toggles. Or do a calibration where you only partially deflect it in both directions and compare the lines to the backup file. And you always have the backup file to put everything back where it was. 

I get the feeling you don't want to do something this simple and hope others will and report back instead. Just back up the jsm file and you cannot hurt anything.

And it's not a fix for your issue, I resorted to it after noticing with my CH Fighterstick in AH2 I was not getting a full right aileron deflection with the P51D even when I repeatedly calibrated. I just happened to notice that by accident offline one day.  So I cropped the ends of the calibration lines and suddenly got a full deflection with less wrist input and faster deflections to full stop. So I applied it too all of the axis calibrations. I've never had to replace springs, potentiometers, or calibrate since. I didn't bother to test other planes for the lack of full deflection since, after I cropped the ends of the line, all planes had great and fast deflection on all axis. I may have a bad pot in my flight stick and this accounted for the bad pot for all I know.

And I had to learn a lot about scaling so my spi16 would stop snapping over into the ground when I got low and slow in furballs. Full deflection in half the joystick arm throw is very powerful and a great way to end up in the dirt if you don't understand scaling. You need to slow down the intial 1\3 of the rudder movement for fine control on taxi, takeoff and those micro deflections to help lineup targets. And so your GV doesn't fling itself from side to side just touching the rudder. Yeah sounds like a lot of work to fix a perception.....   
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2017, 05:36:22 PM »
Anyone have film of what they say the problem is? 
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2017, 05:39:18 PM »
Anyone have film of what they say the problem is?

I don't think it can be filmed unless someone can GO-PRO their stick and have that as a popup while recording the game in FRAPS.   

Maybe film the rudder in external view (or to the rear) with the control slider page for Rudder also showing?

I will give Bustr's idea a shot in a bit and see if that does anything.   Sounds like there is hope.
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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2017, 08:17:38 PM »
might be a silly question...but do you have any dampening scaled?  could be a reason for the delay

Offline Vraciu

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Re: Eliminate Default Scaled/Lagged Control Deflection
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2017, 08:19:00 PM »
might be a silly question...but do you have any dampening scaled?  could be a reason for the delay

Already answered above.  No, I do not.

Nor do the others having the problem.

FLS has stated this is a coded "feature".
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