Noticed Gigabyte has come out w\ another UEFI update for my AX370 Gaming K5 mobo......F3c Beta UEFI.
Has the new AMD AGESA firmware w\ the new addition of EZ Overclock Tuner which can give the user the choice to now set up the CPU\mem power control to control the power output to the CPU\mem modules themselves or the driver will now auto-control the power regulation to both CPU\mem modules to better align the 2 to provide more stability in operation as this is also 1 of the nagging issues concerning AMD Ryzen CPU's w\ mem modules compatibility across Infinity Fabric interconnect over PCI-E to the X370\B350 chipsets....especially when a user is installing mem modules that range past the specified 2667 limit of the onboard mem controller (controller can overclock higher) that controls this across the Infinity Fabric interconnect (like the GSkill FlareX 3200 mem kit that I have in my box) to compliment the new AGESA firmware upgrade.
Have d'ld & flashed my mobo w\ it & set the EZ Overclock Tuner to Auto (default)...........so far this box now shows to be performing since this UEFI upgrade just as stable as the Intel X99 platform that I was using prior....after I figured out the quirks that I had w\ it when I 1st got it.....which is no different w\ this AMD Ryzen platform now...............
Just saying...................
Then I ran across a section of the MS Windows Developers site that dealt w\ optimizing the Windows Power Plans to facilitate the workloads that would be run thru servers using multi-core CPU's under Windows Server 2016 (which is the basis for Windows 10 Power Plan setup as MS used their results of tuning this for optimum Windows Server 2016 usage for Power Saver, Balanced & High Performance power plans then ported these to the consumer version of Win 10 as is). In reading over these I also found out some other good stuff that can be done w\ these plans for the process of how to go about tuning them to meet specific workloads parameters and accomplish the right mix of CPU, mem subsystem, networking performance, power usage & utilization a user (read IT personnel here) desires from their systems.
The 1 that caught my attention was the specific usage scenario that was specifically discussed and laid out in detail on how to tune the Windows Balanced Power Plan to perform in every aspect as the High Performance Plan but retain good power usage control\savings to get better CPU, mem utilization\performance as the High Performance Plan can give as currently setup but retain good power usage control when running light to medium workloads that require very quick CPU\mem response times to run well (such as games.......MS terms as workloads that are "bursty in nature" but can still give good sequential CPU, mem utilization\performance when the workloads require it) by resetting the parameters within Powercfg.exe that determine all this in the background of all Windows Power Plans....then they listed the parameters that were necessary to do all this for the Balanced Power plan w\ the default settings given as well as the optimized settings to use if 1 wanted to revert back to the default settings if desired.
I was game to try it out so I went into Command Prompt w\ Admin & made the MS recommended Powercfg.exe power parameters setting changes to the Balanced Power Plan (can make these to any of the 3 Windows Power Plans you choose to) in my Win 10 Home OS and it took every one of them (5 changes in all). Then I entered the command to activate the new Powercfg.exe settings parameters then exited out and started up AHIII (all other settings as set in the Balanced Power plan that I had already set prior were not affected in any way so these settings reside within the background and can only be accessed thru the Windows Command Prompt...............).......
I can report that these settings do achieve exactly what MS said they would do as the CPU performance\utilization was greatly improved. The game ran so smooth w\ much better control response that it threw my coordination off for a while until I started adjusting to it. Still got a couple of screen freezes during my flying time last night but the rest of the flight time was very enjoyable.......so much so that I stayed up until 1:10 hrs this morning flying.......................
There was a section devoted to optimizing a CPU under the NUMA std (thinking bout Ryzen's CCX modules & how this could fit in w\ all this) but I'll have to read up some more to get a good understanding before I make any attempts to try any of it w\ this Ryzen CPU.
We're getting there...............1 step at a time.
I have to say......I am loving my tinkering time w\ this here AMD Ryzen 7 CPU\X370 chipset platform so far......