Thanks for hearing me out. I respect your choice as the one doing the work. I'll give it a whirl in game for sure. I'd love to see a few of the other 357th skins as well.
You're welcome. Let there be no doubt...I take this stuff seriously. If you think otherwise (I know you don't) feel free to read this thread:,385567.0.htmlI was emotionally devastated when this skin was originally rejected. Maj. Hiro's story got to me on a deep and personal level unlike any I've read in a *LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG* time. I actually cried about it, much to my personal dismay. It was almost embarrassing. Thanks to Devil, Oboe, Owl, Greebo, Fencer, Zoney, Arlo, etc. etc. I was able to take a step back and calm down. Once I realized what the issue was I could rationally approach it again, and with the help of all these people (and others, like Skuzzy and Hitech who *ACTIVELY* worked on my skin with me--for which I will always be grateful), get it into the game.
In no way do I ever intend to represent the skin improperly. Major Edwin Hiro deserves better than that on any level. That said, part of why this ace is still remembered has to have something to do with that white nose. That has a poignancy of its own.
I still have work to do on this one, but along with "Ding Hao!" it is my best work. It will never live up to my peers/mentors/friends here, nor Maj. Hiro, but in some small way it shows my love for all of them. And you, too. Because I totally understand your perspective, passion, and input with deep and sincere appreciation.