Author Topic: Armored trains  (Read 7301 times)

Offline oboe

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2017, 07:58:53 AM »
Waffle can build as many cars of different types as Hitech wants. A simple toe in the water test would be, when Hitech brings back the supply trains, add cars with wirbles and osties on them and allow players to man those guns. As usual, other players would time the trains and obliterate them from the air or, some geniuses would spend all day driving to the train shed to sit there and blow them to scooby snacks each time they spawned. Many squads including mine have done this over the last 15 years.

So this would escalate, and some genius would say Hitech then has to create a train yard with killer AI ack to protect the train just so he can ride in the wirbel or osti parked on one of it's cars. Just so some genius in a Lancaster with 14 1000lb bombs can lancstuka the train and have the first genius back in here telling Hitech he has to cripple Lancasters or add more code infrastructure just so his train can make it to the other station with out being blown to scooby snacks.

Planes with bombs blow trains into scooby snacks......

Bustr, what do you mean by "cripple Lancasters"?   Take away the ability to use them in a dive bomber role?

+1 on trains, but I prefer unarmored freight trains carrying ammunition in wooden box cars, that will make a HUGE explosion if hit.   Also would like lots of steam escaping if the boiler on the locomotive is punctured during strafing...

Offline Petey

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2017, 08:04:34 AM »

Bring back the trains and and make guns on some of them man able some AI and, some unarmed. 
also make the spawn point a defend able rail yard with a VH and a nearby air base. most town should have a train station also.
trains would have to defend themselves to and from while in route.  their success should make a difference  in capture at some of fields.   
would add a whole new dynamic to winning the war. 

would have to find the train, destroy the train or, defend the train to its destination while it brings reinforcements and supplies.



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Offline TWCAxew

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2017, 08:36:46 AM »

Bring back the trains and and make guns on some of them man able some AI and, some unarmed. 
also make the spawn point a defend able rail yard with a VH and a nearby air base. most town should have a train station also.
trains would have to defend themselves to and from while in route.  their success should make a difference  in capture at some of fields.   
would add a whole new dynamic to winning the war. 

would have to find the train, destroy the train or, defend the train to its destination while it brings reinforcements and supplies.



But also add that players need to drive them, that would be cool!

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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2017, 09:11:56 AM »

Try decaf, bruh.   :salute
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Offline Becinhu

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2017, 10:21:15 AM »
+1 for trains, -1000 for manned guns on them. There are already far too many gun sitters as it is. The old AH II trains had lethal auto acks without any point and click bandits helping them out.

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Offline lunatic1

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2017, 02:45:31 PM »
oh god -1000
for real I don't know why I did this :embarrassed:
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Offline lunatic1

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2017, 02:46:27 PM »
What does this have to do with anything?

I have no idea why I posted this post sorry :embarrassed:
C.O. of the 173rd Guardian Angels---Don't fire until you can see the whites of their eyes...Major devereux(The Battle Of Wake Island-1941.

Offline lunatic1

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2017, 02:56:33 PM »
yeah we had armed resupply trains to resupply the strats--and unarmed resupply trucks to resupply Airfields and V-bases.
having a manned gun in a train would not be good--trains are easy to destroy-you would die before you got to target fighter. in AH2 2 cars were armed-- would probably 1 or 2 extra armed cars 37mm not 20mm.
+1 for a train infrastructure.
C.O. of the 173rd Guardian Angels---Don't fire until you can see the whites of their eyes...Major devereux(The Battle Of Wake Island-1941.

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2017, 02:53:25 PM »
Thinking out loud, hear me out.

I don't know the history of armored trains and transport trains in general during the war, but looking at the drawing picture I posted where the IL2 is flying overhead the armored train with a tank on a flat car, perhaps we can bend the concept by the players moving trains by way points like a CV near enemy bases and spawn GV's out.


Offline BuckShot

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2017, 08:31:24 AM »
The concept of an armored and armed trains seems silly in a real life application...destroy the track and it's a sitting duck.

+1 for mad max trains in AH3 though!
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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2017, 04:21:16 PM »
+1 for armed trains.
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Offline 1ijac

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2017, 04:34:26 PM »
I like the idea of armed trains.


Offline Arlo

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2017, 04:51:50 PM »
And dams to bust (maps to flood) and V1/V2 launch rails/pads to attack. And Gestapo lockups to bomb. And ..... (maybe just a Japanese CV and BB will do). :D

Offline bustr

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2017, 06:03:28 PM »
Two sides of a reality looking only at what they feel is a game. When you evolve something like AH to the size it is of things to do all the time, you attract two general kinds of game players. One kind wants to fight mano-E-mano tooth to nail against other players, the other wants to attack none human objectives while accepting running into humans on the way as a risk of doing business. The second kind do not look for other players as their first choice to engage in combat. They look for situations that provide activity and objectives.

A total AI arena to go break things will not keep the second group in the game just like the first group won't stay in the game for only AI. Both want activity dominated by other players to take part in. The second group does not want to spend all of it's time hunting and defeating other players, if anything they don't have a desire for that kind of risk. In many cases they don't make as good a fight for the first group as occasionally finding first group counter parts in the other countries. And the second group to take care of business, is often more practical about eliminating threats. They don't see anything wrong with 12 of them taking out one or two enemy, especially the higher on the food chain those enemy's skills are. It frees them up to achieve the objective they showed up for with less risk to each individual that the first group poses under the first groups terms of engagement\winning. The second group sees winning as eliminating threats in any manner getting in the way of achieving the objective.

The second group tends to have more members in many of life's endeavors, and unlike the first group who just needs access to other players. The second group needs to be entertained with functions, processes, and toys that create objectives and locus points for groups to create activity. Having to fight other people then becomes one part of the process to achieve objectives. Not the totality of it as the first group constantly wants Hitech to rearrange the game to.

Armored trains or trains with man-able guns, fitting them into the fabric of the game without pushing the game too far into being an AI dominated world. At some point you have to balance the needs of the two groups to keep them subscribing. The old trains to strats were attractive as a diversion from time to time. The way the game is structured, that made the only credible way to have them in the game. Hitech has not appeared to favor the idea of resupply depots that control zones of the terrain that can be destroyed to drastically impact 1\3 of the player base by the actions of one or two players. My building terrains, it's obvious he favors each field\town, port or vBase as a localized activity locus, one at a time. That makes equal opportunities for both general groups of player types. Is it perfect, no game strategy really is over time as much as the players ability to keep it working with their use of it. Does it keep a small number of players from dominating 1\3 or 2\3 of the arena population with less effort than attacking and capturing an equivalent number of bases, yes.

As long as Hitech can maintain a balance so AI objectives and activities don't tie up players to avoid fighting other players, this is a neutral wish. Much more dependent on Hitech's todo list and personal interest in the subject I would venture. He could always reinstate the old train system to supply the individual strats for you to chase around in the bushes after. Though I doubt he will make the bridges destructible so one or two guys can keep several bridges down all night long once they figure out the time table for when they re-spawn.     
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

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Offline Zener

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Re: Armored trains
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2017, 03:45:19 PM »
I think a great addition to trains with ack guns would be that lead car with a serious tank-killing gun.  Might be fun to weave the tracks close enough to a vehicle spawn where anyone camping would also have to keep an eye on approaching trains or stay far enough out of their way to avoid taking a few incoming.