Author Topic: Friday Squad Operations Information  (Read 6439 times)

Offline Nefarious

  • Aces High CM Staff
  • Plutonium Member
  • *******
  • Posts: 15858
Friday Squad Operations Information
« on: March 23, 2017, 06:02:46 AM »
Welcome to the Friday Squad Operations Forum

Friday Squad Operations, (FSO) events are Squad based single life
events setup around a historical conflicts from 1938 to 1945 in all
theaters of operations. Squads are organized into two sides of the
conflict, (Allied vs Axis) and compete against each other in the 3 week
tour for that month to fulfill assigned orders and bring victory to
their side.

Brief overview
To participate in Squad Operations you must be in a squad that has
registered and active in the event. You may fly as a guest in a squad
but eventually you would be expected to join that squad in FSO or bring
in your own squad.

-Walk on players are not allowed in FSO. To fly with a squad you must
contact them prior by posting in the FSO forums, PM's, e-mails, or in
one of the other arena's. We welcome new players, but squads are held
responsible for their pilots and their behavior. Since this is a single
life event with kill shooter off it is quite possible for someone to
spoil the night for many regulars due to ignorance or carelessness.
Details on why we don't allow Walk On players can be found here.

-Squad Operations take place most every Friday (3 weeks on and 1 week
off) in the Special Events Arena I at 11 PM Eastern.

-When you sign up or 'commit' to participate in FSO you and your squad
members are expect to show up every Friday that FSO is held. Squads that
break that commitment will be removed from FSO. Anyone interested in
trying out FSO is encouraged to contact a participating squad and fly
with them for a tour to see what it is all about, but if you just want
to jump in and sign up you are welcome to do so.*

-All squads need to supply at least 3 contacts (usually C.O. and X.O.
E-mails plus one other) so CM's can contact them with any important
information or mission objectives.

-Each tour squads are expected to commit to a certain number of pilots
and stay within range of 1 above or 1 below.


As you can see Squad C.O.'s have wide range to choose from. If a squad C.O. chose 3-5 they may show up with as little as 2 pilots and as many as 6. If a squad C.O. chose 9-11 then they could show up with as few as 8, but no more than 12.

If you want to check out the Squad Operations on AHevents go here

If you want to sign up your squad for Squad Operations then go here

More info and rules can be found here

Finally the logs below
will supply players with information on their scores, scores of others,
and squad scores, not to mention other events.

FSO has been around since 2001. We hope that you find years of
enjoyment in one of the best events Aces High has to offer.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 09:32:28 AM by Rosie »
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!