When bombing from the bombsight, two important things are needed.
1. Setting the number of bombs dropped from each bomber in the formation when you press the bomb release button by typing: .salvo 1 or 2 or 3 etc. then hitting enter.
2. Getting the best calibration possible before you release your bombs on the target. Players use various methods, but I have found what works best for me.
a. First I open the bomb bay doors and hit auto pilot to level out. Do this well before you reach target to give you enough time to get ready to drop bombs.
b. Pull up clipboard and click on the E6B tab. You want the climb # to be a stable 0. If it is a + number, then draw back the throttle slowly to get to 0.
c. Go into bomb bay view by hitting F6, hit the u key, then the y key and hold down for over 3 seconds. The longer you hold the y key, the better the calibration, then release the y key and hit the u key again. The calibrated and actual altitude and speed should remain the same. If I see the altitude has changed after calibration, I will recalibrate. Stay in F6 mode and adjust your target line by moving your joystick slightly right or left. I usually try to line up visually before I calibrate in F4 mode so I have only slight corrections to make. Also, staying in F6 mode keeps your formation flying level and has little effect on your stable 0 climb. Release bombs when crosshairs on target.
d. You can adjust the delay, but I find the default setting just fine for most purposes.
e. While in bombers, F5 is your friend. It allows to look around for bad guys approaching using the hat switch to look around. You can hit F1 to go back to cockpit or F6 to bomb sight.
If you want a little more help, just holler at me in the game.
Whatever bomber you are in, get to know the gun position numbers so you can switch quickly to nail the bad guy going by on his or her pass on you.