My hint wasn't strong enough apparently. Never did get to see a forum or hear any more about it. I guess if we keep these scenarios hidden away we won't be pestered so much with people flying in them.
I started a topic in March for players to pick what the June scenario was to be:
"Vote on what will be the June, 2017 Scenario",386065.0.htmlOnce players picked, I started a topic in April for discussion of the design:
"June, 2017 Scenario design discussion",386439.0.htmlThe design went through 11 versions from April through May.
When I got a volunteer for allied CO, I announced it here in April:
"And the allied CO for Big Week is . . . ",386478.0.htmlWhen I got a volunteer for axis CO, I announced in April:
"And the axis CO for Big Week is . . .",386743.0.htmlIn April, I opened registration and announced it here:
"Registration for "Big Week" (June) scenario is open",386744.0.htmlWhen the scenario forums were available, I announced it here:
"If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)",386761.0.htmlThen, I started to spam the message boards with various topics telling people about Big Week, promoting it, and asking them to register, keeping various of them fresh near top of topic list by posting to them occastionally with new content (new pictures, new entreaties to join up, etc.) such as:,386795.msg5143577.html#msg5143577,386910.msg5143583.html#msg5143583,387061.msg5145578.html#msg5145578,387253.msg5146972.html#msg5146972,387252.msg5147400.html#msg5147400,386699.msg5142349.html#msg5142349I put it into the June calendar here: mentioned it every time I was in the MA.
I asked all players to talk it up in the MA and for GL's to recruit.
I sent out e-mail to every e-mail address I have from the last 2 years of scenarios.