Author Topic: Player numbers down?  (Read 22934 times)

Offline lunatic1

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #180 on: May 16, 2017, 01:29:10 PM »
 :ahand whaaaa whaaa whaaa boohoo boohoo I can't find a fightg in my perk plane.. solution: try flying to a base to get your fight instead of hangin around your own field where you can dive into your ack...if you only fly planes don't worry about gv's it's nunya-if you only gv don't worry about planes it's nunya....Bowlma and buzzsaw are the only 2 NEW maps in rotation the rest are redesigned from AH2-mostly trees are added the the killable buildings design are more realistic very cool. we started losing players a year before AH3 was in beta even when Alpha..contrary to popular belief WOT WT WOW are not free exacly. yes entry level yes, but you have to pay for higher level equipment. but they still have a lot of players. you watch them on youtube and see that.

Changes I would like to implement : small airbases - GV spawns should not go to all airfields. This game-mechanics force some bases to be taken from air - or a looong ride in a GV.

When you shoot with a GV or 88mm/17pounder, smoke that can be clearly seen for 2-3 seconds from 3k, forcing real GV tactics - shoot and scoot.

Radar should not go down when you strafe with aircraft 20mm/mg -4 rocket hits or a bomb should do it, or a load of 30mm+.

The C47 shuld take 2-3X number of grunts of a little GV troop carrier, make it harder for GV'er to use one stealth-GV to take a whole base.

Only divebombers/jabo should be able to dive bomb, Bombers should use the bomb-sight (no F3 bombing).

 man that's some hellofa eyesight there to see gv barrel smoke from 3k
Save you don't GV so why do you care? what gv's do

countries lose bases to gv's because they don't investagate why town is flashing or check flashing--knights very bad about that<-- did type that out loud?

leave gv spawns alone--buzzsaw is the only map to have real close spawn to town distance.....   

dangit done lost train of thought  bye
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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #181 on: May 16, 2017, 01:46:37 PM »
I agree with nrshida, too many people want to attack other people and their views be them the way they want it or not. Fact is its not changing anything if you prove somebody else wrong. State your desire of game play and if management agrees to look at it or work with it then you've accomplished something, then negotiate the outcome, with management to fine tune the game in the utilitarian manner. Seems like a better way to get changes to the game. the " I know more than you do because im better than you" thing is just a waste of time and frankly unbecoming of your intelligence. Basically If " Hitech" doesn't think its a good idea, or don't want tot do it for whatever reason all your are doing is name calling, yeah Im offended that somebody would state that they in a pro class above all the other players in this game, me included " Livewire" he is a lot better at alot of things than me, most of your are but im also sure you all think you're better than most people in the game also so what are  gaining here  aim at Hitech to get the game changes that's what will work not calling out an arrogant person you'll be too busy to play if you don't.

 Just my two cents worth,


Offline Lazerr

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #182 on: May 16, 2017, 01:56:48 PM »
The REAL pros fly with a mouse and drink beer at the same time..

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #183 on: May 16, 2017, 01:57:31 PM »
Things are sometimes said out of frustration and anger. One cannot mentalize or maintain an overview in this state. Let's not gather the pitchforks and torches just yet.

Wise words. 

We're all big fans of this game, and, like big fans of any game, sometimes our emotions get the best of us.  Or we hit the "send" button without bothering to go back over what we wrote.  Remember that all of us want what's best for the game; driving others away, we can agree, is not best for the game.

- oldman

Offline Mister Fork

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #184 on: May 16, 2017, 02:12:02 PM »

Wise words. 

We're all big fans of this game, and, like big fans of any game, sometimes our emotions get the best of us.  Or we hit the "send" button without bothering to go back over what we wrote.  Remember that all of us want what's best for the game; driving others away, we can agree, is not best for the game.

- oldman
Amen brother.

We need to keep a positive focus on what we want out of the game - providing suggestions and ideas so that they can make the game better, not blow up at one another because opinions vary.

You can see some of that attitude by posting an original idea in the Wishlist that differs greatly from the norm. Flame pants required. :D
"Games are meant to be fun and fair but fighting a war is neither." - HiTech

Offline Arlo

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #185 on: May 16, 2017, 03:11:43 PM »

Remember that all of us want what's best for the game; driving others away, we can agree, is not best for the game.

Many drive back, however, once they see what all's out there.

(Never let someone else do the driving.)

Offline JimmyC

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #186 on: May 16, 2017, 03:13:13 PM »
Was this a Prolapse .....??
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Offline Arlo

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #187 on: May 16, 2017, 03:15:24 PM »
I saw what you did there (in so many ways).  :aok

Offline save

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #188 on: May 16, 2017, 06:15:59 PM »
Unlike you I spent a good portion of my life in GV's, I also flew during 2 decades in small single-engined aircraft.

I know what a GV can do and not without getting shot and how to stay unseen.

The day HTC implement shooting from a gunner sight I will do GV.
Shooting from a 360 deg weapon platform you can do things you simply can't do successfully in a real tank - its not my idea of GV'ing, it's like flying in F3 mode.

Smoke, throwing up dirt, and a bright flash when you shoot with a main gun is a fact of life, not something I made up.
Often when we shot, we did not know if we hit the target we shot at with a high velocity gun.

The Firefly was called just that because of its big flash when you shot with it.

You changed position after max 2 shots in an ambush, when other tanks could shoot back at you.

Haze and other weather protected GV's from planes, something I would like to have here.

Capture is done by GV's only in AH3, why not have some bases taken by planes ?

Some of the plane effectiveness I want to remove as well, like radar killing with guns, and the famous Lanc-Stuka, anti vehicle killer, another is : shooting with 20mms and .50 caliber will not stop a medium tank, you are lucky to get it track'ed on one side so crew have to expose themselves repairing it for a brief period.

Buzzaw map is probably the most hated map in AH in it's current state.

Changes I would like to implement : small airbases - GV spawns should not go to all airfields. This game-mechanics force some bases to be taken from air - or a looong ride in a GV.

When you shoot with a GV or 88mm/17pounder, smoke that can be clearly seen for 2-3 seconds from 3k, forcing real GV tactics - shoot and scoot.

Radar should not go down when you strafe with aircraft 20mm/mg -4 rocket hits or a bomb should do it, or a load of 30mm+.

The C47 shuld take 2-3X number of grunts of a little GV troop carrier, make it harder for GV'er to use one stealth-GV to take a whole base.

Only divebombers/jabo should be able to dive bomb, Bombers should use the bomb-sight (no F3 bombing).

 man that's some hellofa eyesight there to see gv barrel smoke from 3k
Save you don't GV so why do you care? what gv's do

« Last Edit: May 16, 2017, 06:21:06 PM by save »
My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline Max

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #189 on: May 16, 2017, 06:29:18 PM »
So....where are the new commercials?

Offline nugetx

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #190 on: May 17, 2017, 02:25:20 AM »
Add game on to Steam

and not commercials....... this is not 1990 anymore.

Offline BowHTR

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #191 on: May 17, 2017, 05:41:34 AM »
Add game on to Steam

and not commercials....... this is not 1990 anymore.

I think everyone understands that you want the game on Steam. I don't think you will find it there anytime in the near future.
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #192 on: May 18, 2017, 04:32:59 PM »
Things are sometimes said out of frustration and anger. One cannot mentalize or maintain an overview in this state. Let's not gather the pitchforks and torches just yet.

He's right anyway. I am infact an idiot at least 9 times a day, and I have four degrees   :rofl

You must be walking dead. I have 98.6 degrees.   :cheers:
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Offline Dundee

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #193 on: May 18, 2017, 07:04:53 PM »
Agree.   :aok


Harden ammo bunkers, forcing GV attackers to have air support to protect them from jabos and the jabos to have fighter support, etc., etc.  Suicide 190s killing ammo and radar are getting old.

M4 rocket tanks should generate a lot of smoke that can be seen from a long distance.

GV icon range should be the same for enemy and friendly -- just like aircraft.  If a wirb is invisible to me, it should be invisible to his team as well.


Also dump the GV Icons on the map....

Another thing is if the radar is out........the base shouldn't flash at all or only when the aircraft is with in icon range of the base and they can see it's an enemy aircraft

Offline Hajo

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #194 on: May 18, 2017, 09:40:43 PM »
Just to explain a few things about this topic and how society itself has changed the game.  First, I left the game two months ago and I don't intend to return.  I'm in the process of giving my equipment for the game away.  It unfortunately has taken to long to do so due to things happening in real life. Anyway maps etc. being given for reasons for lower numbers.

1)  For many years we who participated in Air Warrior flew day, after day, after day over the same map.  We kept on coming back to the game every day.  The map could have been a white sheet of paper and it wouldn't have mattered. We came to play and fight.  It was a miracle that AW went to 3D.  It was great.

2)  There was more community participation back then as well as great numbers.  The Kraits designed a way for you to select the sky in which you wanted to fight.  They also made overlays that could
change the look of the terrain.  The same old map would be used but we had the choice to fly over, Hedgerows in winter, the desert or even the surface of the moon.  Also an overlay was made to use to color the bases important targets.  Buildings would be highlighted in various ways and colors to make them standout an more identifiable.  These things were created by the community.  But that did make it enjoyable and after awhile even those changes would become something that we'd see very day.  We still came to play in great numbers.

3) We do have community participation in the same areas now in AH.  Skins, Maps etc. are being created by members of the community.

4) We also had special events in AW like AH does now.  However we had many more people participate in them in Air Warrior and we did so also in Aces High when they were first introduced here.
However the players who register for scenarios now are fewer in number.  More then a 50% drop.  Now getting 80 to register for a scenario is difficult to say the least making it harder to design a successful scenario.  Some of us held on to only participate in scenarios.  The numbers that register at this time for them have fallen to the point more many of us just gave up and went away.

5)  When those of us from AW came to AH initially it was about air combat.  Those members that were here before us had no idea what to expect when AW closed.  What did happen however was that it stayed basically the same.  Aerial Combat was the key.  It kept us coming back for over 20 years.   I feel the use of GV's has little if any impact on the game. 

6)  So..we ask ourselves "what has changed?"  Basically the answer is society.  It is proper for everyone to play the game as they wish.  No one should tell someone else how they should play the game.  We live in a different time then we did as little as 15 years ago.  More technology, small computers in our hands to access everything instantaneously, we expect results NOW!  Those of us that are a bit older did quite fine without the new technologies.  We didn't have it so we did not miss it.  We still have patience and the younger crowd has less.  Not their fault that's just how it is.

Most of us back in the day were heavily interested about the Air War during WWII.  Hell, we were born shortly after WWII, our fathers fought in that war and many movies produced by Hollywood such as Twelve O'clock High, Flying Leathernecks etc.  We grew up watching them along with our parents who just finished fighting that war.  Those Movies were very popular.  As we have moved in time from that era to now only a few have an interest such as we do about what happened during that war.  Not anyone's' fault.  This is a history that has repeated itself since day one.  Time heals all wounds I guess we could say.  So maybe in an indirect way we have 3 different generations participating in the same game.  Each generation no doubt has a different point of view on how and why they play the game.  My point?  Methinks that we have to find a way to merge the 3 generations thinking into a similar point of view about the game.  It doesn't have to be strictly this way or else.
It just to have a community that is open to others thoughts and ideas on how the game should be played as it is.  Not complaning about resupplying, running to ack, making this strat harder etc.
The game is fine.  To succeed the generations have to tolerate one another and their ideas.  The Community is responsible for game play.  Everyone has the same tools to play the same game.
Not one point of view is right and NO point of view is wrong.  Seems to me the community has some decisions to make.  Don't blame it on the game, you will just keep failing.
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