Numbers are down because of the Buzzsaw map....Get rid of that thing
Numbers are down because of the game play.... and how things have changed on the ground
GV's were really impacted with the introduction of AHIII
1. With the amount of trees... the roads or clear cuts were taken out of the game. I like to point out there were plenty of roads for tanks and other vehicles to use during WWII why are they missing in the game?
2. The hills that you were able to climb on the old maps in AH II are all but impossible to climb in AHIII,
3. The tank icons on the map which are a _ _ _ _ _ _ dream, and has compromised long range missions in the past, plus the GV Icon is bigger than the single engine aircraft icon. 1 tank sitting in town covers the town up all together, so when your trying to resup a town, or line up a bombing run 1 or two tanks make it all but impossible to find the town. A lot of talk about finding a fight, it sucks when you cant find the town because of overly large tank icons. The whole "Map Icon System" should be trashed, the dots we had in AHII, was a better system, showed an aircraft but not the type. Restricting one element in the game, so another segment is not interrupted, is like stealing from Peter to make sure Paul is happy. If AHIII is just all about the Fur Ball then I think a lot of us are paying for the wrong game, AHII had the right balance,AHIII doesn't have that balance like II had
We'll give it a couple more months to see if things change, if they don't I'm packing it in and moving on to other online games I'm spending time in right now.