FWIW: I like the idea of a End-to-End emulation of WWII!
Yea that's the idea.
I called it the 'main arena' because it's where the most players flock to.
Also 3 sides is not the best solution for low players numbers. Even if Steam bumps the play numbers, in time, they might go lower again, and AH might be in same situation.
While writing this I not only thinked about low player numbers, but also a long term perspective of the game...... new players after time might get bored with all planes unlocked all the time.
I don't know about you guys, but all planes unlocked is bad for the metagame, because early and mid war planes are ciminaly underused, leaving people using 2-3 types of late war planes.
That's why rolling plane set is a good solution for this, because early med and late are shared through times.
If you had taken the amount of time it took you to type all that up to search you would have found that these ideas have been talked to death and will never happen in the Main Arena.
If they had been talked to death it means people would like to see them and something that should be considered imo.
There is really nothing wrong with the game in the Main arena.
What about a handfull of planes being used only ?
When I'm in a spit...... and a spit goes against me.... I always get this feeling 'wait.....something is not right here', and plenty of other people get also that play flight sims for over 20 years.
The scenario goes something like this; We have this big, beautiful playground, with all kinds of cool toys. Over there we have some guys playing tag. Over here we have some guys playing hide-and-seek. Over here we have some guys playing capture the flag.
Cue whiney voice: "Mr. Hitech. Those guys aren't playing tag with us they way they are supposed to. They're using the playground wrong. Make them stop!"
And if we would be doing this in a historical setting, I guarantee you, that more people would come.
Again, like in the other thread i made.... I am pro HTC and i'm posting this as a solution to a problem that is right there in the face.
I am not saying this is perfect solution, but I proposed something which I would consider to be logical.
Saying all that, I enjoy the game, but something should be done about atleast:
All planes available to all sides -- because fighting vs the same side plane in a ww2 flight sim REALLY makes people run away.