Lower than the middle. We must all fly something from mid war, below 5k and never do anything other than fight until we die. These are the rules of the Good Player(TM). Everything else is bad, and bad for the game, and you should feel bad for doing it.
I dont care WHAT they fly, drive or gun. I just want them to FIGHT for it. If you think your going to win in a fight from a gun, go for it, but I dont seem to get killed by guns much. I would like to get credit for a kill when I drop them tho. After all Im putting my "flight" in danger kicking them out of it if that is the type of FIGHT they want.
I dont see running supplies as fighting any which way you want to call it. You want to save your base, FIGHT me for it thats all. WHen grabbing supplies is the first thing a player thinks of as "defense" something is wrong.