Author Topic: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour  (Read 10470 times)

Offline nugetx

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #45 on: September 09, 2017, 04:19:14 PM »
HiTech posted the sortie stats. When I add up the EW & MW planes, I get 40% sorties for them. Not 10%.

Yes but they were from few days of the current month when the new tour has started....... wait untill the end of the month or check the last month.

And I can't think of a better way to ruin any hope of new players sticking with the game than forcing them to fly Ki-43s and I-16s

How much do you see 262 or 163?
people would be mainly on early or mid war planes, late war planes should be rare like the 262.

while the veteran players zoom around in jets and other late war monsters.

LOL you are talking about current gameplay !  this is how the arena looks now,  people zoom in late war monsters.

ugetx, Aces High is the game I want to play.  The game you want Aces High to be is not the game that Hitech wants to produce, and it is not the game I want to play

But you are playing this game now, and Hitech produced this game,  the perks are already in the game,  planes are perked already - i'm not saying anything new, i'm say what everything is in the game.

Current list of planes with perks:


Offline lunatic1

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #46 on: September 09, 2017, 04:28:57 PM »
No it does not, because other people will fly also  early and mid war planes. There will be less late war planes, so newbies in an early mid plane will be facing other early and mid war planes instead of only flighting vs late war planes.
New players can fly any unperked plane they want--when they start earning perks then they can fly the perked planes..

AND what makes you think a new player can fly a early or mid war plane any better than a late war plane?
did you ever think that a new player may not want to fly a early or mid war plane, they want to fly the latest and greatest, and just because its a late war plane doesn't mean its the greatest. it just means it newer and supposed to be better. I bet you, that if we go to the match play arena and you take any of the late wr planes and I take a mid war or early war plane I will defeat you, I will give you 3 out of 5  5 out of 7  7 out of 10, I will defeat you every time and I promise not to HO, and I'm not the best pilot.

HiTech has said no to every one of your suggestions and wishes and even said he would look at some of them, I think--hmmm nothing yet.

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Offline lunatic1

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #47 on: September 09, 2017, 04:31:41 PM »
I see AAIK, Nugetx's little brother is posting now again.
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Offline nrshida

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2017, 04:32:44 PM »
Nuggs.. tell us your in game name..i want to check your stats and see what you fly?

Don't tell him Skyrr!  :old:

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Offline Lusche

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #49 on: September 09, 2017, 04:45:45 PM »
Yes but they were from few days of the current month when the new tour has started....... wait untill the end of the month or check the last month.

No, they were not. That's data for a full tour. As was already stated in that thread.

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #50 on: September 09, 2017, 04:48:19 PM »
Nuggs.. point luche at the score page..not sure he has been before ..stats are a little complicated for some...maybe a pie chart..wheres zack :old:
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Offline RufusLeaking

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #51 on: September 09, 2017, 04:49:16 PM »
LOL you are talking about current gameplay !  this is how the arena looks now,  people zoom in late war monsters.

One player's stats from tour 211:
Model Type   Kills In   
A6M2   2   
B-24J   1
B-25C   1
B-25H   1
B-26B   1
B5N2   3
Bf 110G-2   1
C-47A   1
C.205   7
F4F-4   3
F4U-1C   2
F4U-1D   1
Fw 190A-8   13
Fw 190F-8   1
Ju 87D-3   1
Ju 88   1
Ki-61-I-Tei   2
La-5FN   4
M4A3(75)   3
M4A3(76)W   2
Me 163B   6
Me 262   1
Me 410   1
P-47N   3
P-51B   3
Panzer IV H   1
SBD-5   4
Ship Gunner   5
T-34/85   1
TBM-3   1
TU-2S   15
Wirbelwind   2
Yak-9T   1
Yak-9U   47

Definitely less than 90% late war monsters.

I used to try to get two kills in as many different rides as possible within a tour. People can fly what they want, within ENY balancing restrictions and perk costs. More limits on what players can do in game is not an improvement.

Current list of planes with perks:


This list seems incomplete.

No, they were not. That's data for a full tour. As was already stated in that thread.

Who is this "Snailman" guy? Does he know anything about data or stats?  :bolt:
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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #52 on: September 09, 2017, 04:54:40 PM »

Current list of planes with perks:


How about all new players can fly the F4U-1? 

Seriously, give it a rest.  You haven't got an argument.

Offline Zoney

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #53 on: September 09, 2017, 05:07:19 PM »
You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the 'ol Lone Ranger and you don't argue stats with Snail!
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Offline Mongoose

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #54 on: September 09, 2017, 05:13:47 PM »
But you are playing this game now, and Hitech produced this game,  the perks are already in the game,  planes are perked already - i'm not saying anything new, i'm say what everything is in the game.

  No, you are insisting that the perk system should be changed to force players to fly certain planes until they can earn the right to fly better planes. That is not what the perk system is there for.  The perk system is to limit planes that would be unbalancing because of the inherent ability of the plane.  You want to perk planes because they are popular.  That's not what the perk system is for. 

The planes are here so we can fly them.  The effect of your plan would be to create an advancement system like other games. This isn't other games. This is Aces High.  This game is better.  A lack of advancement system is one of the reasons it is better.

Your vision for Aces High is not Hitech's vision.  And your vision will not improve the game.  So what if there are a lot of P-51D's flying?  There is nothing wrong with that.  There is nothing wrong with a brand new player being able to choose a Mustang as his first ride.  And there is nothing wrong with a new player choosing to fly a Mustang exclusively. 

Aces High is fine as it is.  Your vision simply doesn't fit here.
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #55 on: September 09, 2017, 05:19:05 PM »
Beating a dead horse

Why do you insist even after the developer has repeatedly stated your ideas are not worth any merit and will not be added to the game?  It has been repeatedly shown to you as well that your ideas are not good for the game play or for the game over all.

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #56 on: September 09, 2017, 05:33:07 PM »
Late war planes unbalance the game compared to mid war and early war planes. Mid war planes unbalance the game compared to early war planes.

Incorrect.  Just because a plane is from the late war period does not automatically unbalance the game play for lesser rides like mid and early war planes.  For example, the P-38L is a late war P-38 but does not unbalance the game compared to the P-38J, a mid war plane.  This is just one example of many others that prove your claim incorrect.

Late war planes are better than mid war planes,  mid war planes are better than early war planes (faster, better climb, more guns, higher calibre, better energy retention etc).

Incorrect again and just shows that you really don't know about the performance of the planes in this game.  The Spitfire Mk IX, a mid war plane, is more than a match for many late war planes. 

Other than the boosted ailerons and dive flap on the P-38L, the P-38J's performance is equal to that of the P-38L, despite being a mid war plane.

That is why everyone is flying late war planes, because they are 'the best' without a cost, so everyone is able to fly them (you don't see 262 163 and Tempest very often and that is how it should be with late war planes and mid war planes, you should see them more than 262 but not as much as we currently do)

Again, you are incorrect.  "Everyone" isn't flying late war planes, if you actually did play you'd see planes in this game spanning all periods flying in the MA.  Also, the stats don't support your statement that "everyone" is flying late war planes.

Idealy it would be best if all the planes were perked starting from early war planes and you would be accumulating points for the higher tier planes,once you unlock a better plane you get a few uses of it and while you have your uses you retain the points so you can move forward to the 262, the later war plane the less uses and if you use up your uses of the plane the points get reset and you go again from early war plane. Seeing how the 'old' subscribers feel about this here I doubt it will ever happen.

Ideally, there would be no perks assigned to any plane but realizing that game play sometimes takes priority, I can live with the fact that only planes and other vehicles that do actually unbalance the game play are perked.  All your idea does is force people to fly planes they might not want to fly at all and the result is a customer that most likely will look elsewhere for their enjoyment.

I'm not here to fly two planes, and if I take a i-16 I have no realistic chances against all the late war planes.
Some say that they fly other planes,  numbers and facts don't lie, people fly what is in the top 10 list - late war planes because they are 'the best'.

Here is a're not limited to two planes at all currently in the MA.  You have choices of dozens and dozens of planes to fly that aren't perked, spanning from early to late war planes.

If you were to spend more time learning things like ACM and tactics, you'd have the skills necessary to be competitive in any plane you fly.  I fly a mid-war fighter exclusively and I've never considered the plane I fly to be inferior to any late war fighter other than the Me 262 and Me 163.  It's the pilot and not the plane.
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #57 on: September 09, 2017, 05:37:32 PM »
I seem to remember in Air Warrior 2 or 3, for the Axis vs Allies server your team had a limited number of certain planes and once you lost them you couldnt up them anymore.  I still remember an instance I was using a 262 and I had to go somewhere for a few hours.  I just sat on the runway at a rear field and when I came back my team had long been at 0 available 262...I was able to own the skies for the rest of the night.
It would be interesting if there was a daily limit on certain planes by player instead of team, I don't imagine that will ever happen as some one plane wonders would be extremely pissed if they couldn't lose more than two P51D's a day. 
I've thought about doing a month were I only get one planes of each type, if I die in the plane I cant fly it the rest of the month.

You will also remember that the AvA arena in AW was a virtual ghost town, just like the AvA arena in here.
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #58 on: September 09, 2017, 06:31:41 PM »
Hi, these are stats from last tour from last month, I've ordered them by planes used the most with most kills, no surprise there.


1) P51D                     5462
2) FW 190 d-9            4566
3) SPIT MK XVI           4364
4) LA7                       3302
5) Yak 3                    3262
6) P47M                     3142
7) KI84IA                   3031
8) N1K2                     3002
9) F4U1A                   2338
10) FW 190 A8           2104

In comparison some other planes

yak 9u          273
yak9t           229
p40N            153
I16              83
109 F4         273
Spit V          342

Mustangs rule.

That is all.
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Offline wil3ur

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Re: Stats of top 10 planes from last Tour
« Reply #59 on: September 09, 2017, 08:28:55 PM »
Can we perk the message board?   :bhead
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