If you guys want a reference on this battle:
Setup will be influenced by action described in:
(Image removed from quote.)
The Japanese had mostly A6M's and a small number of Ki-61's.
For the allies, as stated previously:
There were (roughly speaking) four types of action at Rabaul in this time period:
1. NOE B-25's, escorted by P-38's, out of Dobodura direction.
2. High-alt B-24's, escorted by Corsairs and Hellcats, out of Munda direction.
3. High-alt B-24's, escorted by P-38's, out of Port Moresby.
4. SBD's and TBM's off CV's, escorted by Corsairs and Hellcats.
(As a smaller contingent, the allies also had some P-47's and occasionally some RAAF P-40's, and some missions by Beaufighters on the deck.)
Obviously, using the fully historical plane set would never get enough players to run it. So to run Rabaul during this time period, you must change the plane set.
Two thoughts related to that:
1. Plane types are only one historical parameter among many historical parameters that are just as important. Almost all scenarios (Coral Sea being maybe the one exception, in my view) have significant changes relative to history. To me, high realism is: When I fly in it, does the action I experience feel like what I read about for the actual battle. Yes? Great -- that is realism. No -- alas, that is not realism, even if the plane types were the same.
2. Regardless, the plane set vs. history was made completely clear in the description in the voting topic. There were two other choices. Now, people have voted; this is what they picked (by a wide margin); and we are working on the rule set.
So, this is what folks wanted. Let's get on with the rule set.