He wants all of the strat stuffed in 3 sectors of the terrain center so he dosn't have to spend any time to visit them. Buzzsaw is a "chaos pot" that exposes the strat to easy attack almost like being in a boxed AI game. The game play has no flow other than exposing players to "isolated activity" and ease of access almost like someone was already thinking about what mattered to Steam customers and the next younger generation. It's disjointed, no real war or strategic flow, and caters in a hand and glove manner to "individuals" with bombers and GV's. It's fun about once in a while and then it's tedious unless you drive GV's, solo Bombers, or want to live in an IL2 or HurriD. It's safe for budding air combat players to not become all night perma-scalps.
I won't build terrains like this, so I want him to knock it off and build his own terrains if he wants that kind of easy mode strat runners paradise. And to you too Coogan, build a terrain if you have a better product to offer the community than your desire to get away with dinging people in public. I've used individual design elements from Buzzsaw because they "work across design rational" to enhance the experience. I spend time looking at design features of all the terrains. I refuse to create a "LazyBoy Player" bomber pilot and GV chaos pot. Might as well buy a boxed AI game at that point.
So once again, stop dinging me and build your own terrains, this is not constructive criticism, its picking a fight. Both of you, build a terrain, then we can talk about terrain design because right now you guys are getting lame.
horble, until you build one, you won't know. Ask 8thjinx about it, he went through that epiphany about 2 weeks into his first terrain that is currently under construction. I don't get one dime from HTC for what I create.