Build several MA terrains, put tests into them and observe them over a year. Have you done that yet??
Aside from the well known players who don't care how often they get towered and do most of the "tank fighting", the rest want to sit on an elevation "safe" hide, sip their beers, and single finger each other to death from inside the Klingon cloaking trees. Dr7 is an exception because he dosn't need any elevation and has no problem hunting you when his hides run dry of targets. GVDAR is perceived to take that away from them when half the time even flying between the trees at bush top level, in a 3x3mile area you cannot find them when they shut down. Hitech's squirrels with cameras I guess in AH3 are doing a second job camouflageing every tank in the arena the moment it shuts off it's engine.
As I commented, now I have to find a way to incorporate elevations that don't turn the game into a GVer dictated cesspool of PO'd flyers getting 24x7 long ranged from some elevation three miles away when they want to enjoy their $14.95 furballing. Since you have only your opinions and no terrains, you don't get that MA terrains have to be balanced for all of Hitech's customers. That helps keep more people in our game.
Buzzsaw was imbalanced towards GVers until Waffle took 4k out of the central elevations. It also proved to me exposing the HQ and city was OK which I didn't do on BowlMA by placing it where it would be on a full 20x20 terrain while the real combat area was a 10x10 terrain. No one gets that to this day. Oceania is a 10x10 with the HQ and city exposed becasue 10x10 is a small terrain. Still, both terrains were balanced for air combat and ground combat along with micro terrain tests to help me understand ground combat. I still cannot believe no GVer figured out I setup the towns on BowlMA so you can mount the town hills closest to the airfield and snipe it with german optics. Means you can pick off defenders driving to the town or, camp the runway. GVDAR does not stop players from getting their tank into towns and hiding it.
Took a year of observation, listening to VOX and reading text along with reading in the forums to discover what kind of a spawn GVERs think is "ideal and fair to them". More like what makes them a ferret with a bazooka in a gerbil nursery. Same as how all the flyboys want cannons and warp 12 while turning on a dime then hovering like a dragonfly is their perfect WW2 fighter. The perfect AH3 GV spawns to make GVers feel like Hitech reeeaaaalllllyyyy understands their pain and cares about poor little them. If this is what it takes, once again it's the terrain builder and not Hitech since he does not spawn out and drive every single spawn a terrain builder puts into a terrain. He is trusting us to have the welfare of the game at heart. "Players don't" and very selfishly only want what they want so they are uber to the max in their tiny part of the game. Why I keep asking you "if" you have built an MA terrain yet because an imbalanced terrain will get you a lynch mob here in the forums ASAP just like Buzzsaw before Waffle modified it.
This is how you tell AH3 GVers you love them from their point of view, the perfect spawn points to be a ferret with a bazooka in a gerbil nursery and imbalanced in favor of GV's to the max without a lot of thought to even the positions. The first one is my terrain Oceania and the river along with rotating the airfield to protect the GV hanger from the spawn sniper kind of evens this scenario. The second one is A2 on Buzzsaw, the GV hanger is a gerbil in the nursery because the field needs to be rotated 180 degrees to protect it. Every time that GV hanger would come back up, a tank took it back down in minutes unopposed because of the elevation and distance. That is out of balance and abusive of many players by a single player. Kind of like single finger salutes that blinded whole country's in AH2 until Hitech made changes to the HQ. This is why terrains take so long if you are being honest about balancing the outcomes for the whole community.