I came to this game to fly fighters. And then I met the 49th. And all about the wonderful world of vehicles in this game. They taught me so much. I'm still terrible in a tank, and I spend most of my time getting shot out of the sky, but I appreciate what they brought into my awareness about GV'ing. And we always had a good time tanking together. I will always owe them for taking me in
I fear that our days as a squad are numbered. Whether you like the new GV dar or not, and I personally do not care one way or another, there is no doubt that it pretty much eliminates long range GV'ing. And they were specialists in the extremely long range GV mission. And I don't remember avoiding any fights. We usually died spectacularly.
Most of them have already left the game, as you have probably noticed if you fly in the main arena. And most of them left quietly. I think that's too bad. It was a great bunch of unhinged fellows to hang out with and do crazy stuff, just for the fun of it. Who else would do a mission of Storches?
HiTech, I'm nobody around here, but maybe you should consider whether having the current GV dar is a good thing if a whole group of tankers just up and leaves.
Whether you liked the 49th or not, (and if you have an issue with us, give it your best shot. I have lots of suggestions for you) I feel they will be sorely missed around here, Even if only for the creative ways they could upset the applecart and give folks something to whine about.
There are still a few of us around.
And no matter what, [49] will always be part of my onscreen callsign.