Personally I've only seen a few players complain about it, a very small percentage of players really.
I have been here since tour 21 (MDJOE and Fugitive) and back then we did a lot of base capture missions or furballed. Basically that was your choices. Eventually the furballs disappeared. YES I know you stumble on one now and then, but in the old days they would last for hours and the base capture guys would have to work around them.
The game changed, only the Bish hold on to the "horde" mentality these days tho the other teams can get one going, but back then squads had two wings because they flew with that many guys that the limits were too small and the game was all about grabbing bases faster than the other hordes to get the win.
Furballs have dried up, numbers have dropped, crater is no longer the tank map that it was, times change and we must adapt to what the "new" game has become. On the surface these changes may suck, but if it brings in more players that stay longer it could take the game back to new heights.