Looks like we need to add:
Basic Concepts:
Object hardness
And good point, the wiki has most of this stuff, but needs updating.
I think looking at what the Steam clients have said about the game and why they wouldn't recommend this game would be a good start at fixing some of the problems NEW PlAYERS are having and not so much with the old timers have. Here is one of the comments posted in Steam about AH III, and he was a paid customer in AH II the complete thread on Steam's review of AH III can be found here
http://store.steampowered.com/app/651090/Aces_High_III/ Bang Ding Ow ☑
389 products in account
2 reviews
Not Recommended
52.9 hrs on record
Posted: November 10
As much as I love this game and have put many hours into it (mostly the non-steam version) i just cannot justify the monthly fee's and would not recommend the title for others unless they are into hardcore flight sims, have plenty of excess income, and are willing to invest in VR and flight-sim equipment.
My personal experience with the game is largely positive, i really enjoy pretty much all aspects of the game from high-altitude bombing runs to using rocket strikes to disable naval carriers. The world is open, the teams are mostly friendly, and things feel more or less balanced ( a few questionable planes [jets] aside and a single negative interaction with the support staff which was likely a fluke ). Anyone can hop into a fighter and take down a wing of bombers as they enter friendly radar range, which is great!
However, after you start getting your bearings in the game you start to feel the real weight of the learning curve, as you start getting your first confirmed kills, you start to notice certain specific pilots whome seem to be able to track your movements wherever you are, who'se planes just go faster than yours, who'se able to order the whole naval fleet to support them and hop into a jet thats barred behind earned "perk points" and wreck 5 fighters on your team while totally surrounded.
Thats when it sinks in and you realize your 30$ joystick with a hatswitch for moving your head around in flight just doesn't do what you need it to. Sure you can put up a fight, and you can even win sometimes, but you always feel the disadvantage.
Now, to be fair, for a game i love, i would definitely slowly build up peripherals to stay competetive, it could be worth the investment even though my computer can't handle VR yet and its going to cost a ton of money to get up to par and just enhance the fun in genaral, and was planning to do so for this title even, but, then it smacked me.
...my 2 week trial was up again and it wants me to pay 15 bucks a month to keep playing. A game with under 200 people on it at any time. I thought when it came to steam with all the indicators of it being Free meant i was going to be able to at least enjoy what i could of the game while i slowly became competetive even supporting the apparent in-app purchases that were indicated by the store page assuming it meant i could use the paid-skins or even pay for the afore mentioned perk points to use the advanced vehicles, but i was simply mistaken as those were not options provided and as far as i can tell what they mean by saying its free to play with in-app purchases is that it is not free to play and is subscription based.
its worth mentioning here i actually was a paid subscriber to Aces High 2 for some 8 months to a year but stopped when player numbers dwindled and am a returning customer.
i'm just not willing to pay $180 bucks a year plus invest as much as i would need to in hardware/peripherals to be competetive, especially in a game where during peak-hours on a weekend there might be only 'up-to' 175 people and i feel mislead by the store page. I'd have rather skipped over the title to begin with as i would have had it been upfront about its subscription requirements instead of feeling disappointed and leaving a negative review.
my solution would be a paid version of the game without the 15$ monthly subscription fee as i would invest in that without hesitation.