that sounds good...but during the same period i saw people in the TENS of thousands paying to play xbox live, as well as other online there was and still is a large number of people worldwide who are willing to pay and play an online line game....just not ours, as an example. for aces high, numbers keep decreasing, a large number of older payers who had left...have come back, and yet player numbers are still FSO for example, several years ago you had 150-200 per side...currently WITH the influx of returning players we get about 90 perside. thats about 50% or less then what we used to get. in other arenas, we used to have large numbers in the main arena, mid war,early war, the dueling arena,and ww1...ALL AT THE SAME TIME. there were times when arenas were at peak capacity and you had to wait to get in,so you went to another arena for a time and checked back. when was the last time that happened???