Hiya!I often navigate to our website trough google and what surprised me today when i typed Aces High into google we came up 6th instead of 3th. And that even after the aces high iromaidan youtube film and some huge *ss advertisement from a dutch company called Aces High Promotion (which is new). I think this is a serieus promotion issue.I am not sure if this should be in the bug report/technical forum but my wish is that we come up as 1#. I just wanted to bring this under the attention of the Skuzz master <S>DutchVII
From Wiley: If you're hitting them after they drop, that's not defense, that is revenge.
I was always advised to type 'fly aces high' into the search. It always comes up #1.Coogan
+1 for me as well.Google modifies your results from your own browsing and search history.
you get what you ask for- post proper question you get proper answer.do a proper search get a proper result.