If the Soviets were not cruel to their own there would be no Russians left in in Russia, if the Germans would have won in the east the methods they had perfected in the concentration camps would have been used on a bigger scale.
The reason there were only 3000 German left out of 100k is because they invaded someone else’s country committed atrocities and showed no mercy the Russians.
If the Japanese had invaded the US and did what the Germans did would the US been any different.
Makes me wonder why people read books just to reinforce their existing views.
By the way it’s nothing to do with Facism or Communism, it’s a cultural ideology, The Germans can’t stop starting wars and losing them, and they need to control everyone else because they are domineering, the Russians have always been cruel to each other and slightly odd.
The further east you go the odder the people get, from Britain across Europe the crueler they become, eventually you end up in Japan, I rest my case.