According to the settings, the ammo bunker took the equivalent of 312 lbs. of bombs to destroy. In my test, that left over 4000 lbs. of "destructive potential" that did not destroy any nearby objects, but might well have killed an attacker close enough to gun the bunker. In fact, when I released 2x1000kg bombs low enough to gun the bunker, I was killed in the resulting explosion.
Are you comprehending what I am saying?
What is being asked for is collateral damage to the guy porking the ords at low levels (strafing).
To implement something like this would require it be implemented across the board, not just for the guy strafing ords.
There are a couple of reasons why we will most likely not see a system like this implemented.
1. Punishes players for playing the game as intended.
2. Adding collateral damage based off of ordnance weights would, to some extent, make it easier to knock a base out with very minimal effort.
3. Would push this game towards a linear play style instead of the non-linear style that is currently seen.
To deal with the other “end game” statement made a few posts up:
The end game is what ever the player feels his end game is for that sortie.
If their goal is to knock out ords at base X for that particular sortie then that becomes his end game.
Sure Dale has the “map win” in use, I suspect that is to give us a means to rotate the maps and nothing more.
But then again that is just my perspective.
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