How was it a game changer? 49ers were easier to shot down than I am. LOL BTW what happened to the 49ers?
It wasn't in the air........ it was tactics on the ground
We were able to take the HQ down at will....the HQ was set at 37,500 lbs of explosive, or 212 75mm shells . If you remember HT had to change HQ from 37,500 to 100,000, we still took it down just had to bring a couple more tanks and a supply M3. So yes it was a game changer, because we were able to take it down without flashing it. The 75 mm shells were thrown 7.5 miles...HT even turned down the brightness of the shell to make it harder to "sight in" the guns.
On the creator map we did indirect fire…..throwing shells over a hill and hitting the HQ with out having eyes on the target, 49Merlin was the forward observer in a jeep, once dialed in we were golden. The Bishops never though of looking on the reverse slope of the hill to find us. We stayed the whole weekend and had resupply M3’s bringing more rounds when we need it.
So yes RVflyer It was a game changer and a 5 sector drive Why do you think we have tank icons.....because in AH II we didn't even have so much as a dot in game. Our own country couldn't even see us, but every now and again some one would disco and came back into the game and then they would show up in game showing a dot. That's was when the the A20's showed up. Then we changed tactics to eliminate that problem with the dot after a disco's.
The Festor map stands out as one of our greatest missions.....taking the Bishops and Knights HQ's down at the same time and doing it for 24 hours while both countries though it was "Bomb and Bail Bombers. This was 3 years ago
Look at the new maps........all designed with keeping GV's from traversing the map and being resupplied by an NOE C47 between strats. So if you add GV do maps to hinder GV movements..... I'd say that is all in line with changing the game.