Author Topic: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic  (Read 33388 times)

Offline Larry

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #45 on: July 30, 2018, 09:02:41 PM »
Just save me tail end charlie in JG53

After much tutoring from Devil505, I think I got my G6 template closer to what he was trying to show me.

Dan you're a P38G dweeb and you're going to fly a 109? Did the evil luftweenies finally turn you to the dark side?
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #46 on: July 30, 2018, 09:27:27 PM »
Nah.  Just needed to get out of my comfort zone.  Gave me a good excuse to finally do a 109G profile and invest in Volume 2 of the JG 53 history by Jochen Prien.  Had volume one from flying 109Es in a B of B a while back.  Always good to learn more history :aok
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline weiser

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #47 on: July 30, 2018, 09:44:02 PM »
 I have done research on Pantelleria and both Spit 8 and 9's were there, they were part of the 31FG with the 307,308 and 309 squad. I'm the one who is asking to increase the numbers for the event. My reasoning behind it is that there are a lot of guys that can not participate in all scenario's, but if we can get a lot of guys willing to commit to a couple of Saturday's then we can schedule them in when they can make it, If they show on a unscheduled day than they will be reassigned to another squad. This would mean a little more work for the CO and GL, but anytime we try to increase the numbers the better. Once they experience in an event, than they may be more likely to show when not scheduled just to have fun. We all know that most would rather fly a fighter that they like, that's why I'm suggesting increasing fighters squad's first and get the bug going.
  By no means am I trying to make thing's unfair when it comes to the event, just trying to get more people interested, and it may be a good way to start.
 Other than that I'm OK with the write up and will go with what the event committee approves.

General Carl"weiser"Spaatz
CO Allies

« Last Edit: July 30, 2018, 09:48:17 PM by weiser »
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Offline Vudu15

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #48 on: July 30, 2018, 09:49:50 PM »
So we aren't going to be allow to move our fleets to avoid a/c?

Yes go to Spit9s not 8s

and if I see this right every field on the Island is a valid target? and you have 11 fields for the allies to hit and only 6 for the axis to hit not counting the unmovable fleets.

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Offline SEseph

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #49 on: July 30, 2018, 09:53:45 PM »
The existence of such and what is needed for balance (Spit 9's over 8's) might be two separate issues; at least in this instance it is. I have a large problem with the write-up in general. BUT, I'm not going to poke holes. I'll fight it as written and even though unwinnable, I'll fight to win.
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Offline Vudu15

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #50 on: July 30, 2018, 09:56:19 PM »
 I have done research on Pantelleria and both Spit 8 and 9's were there, they were part of the 31FG with the 307,308 and 309 squad. I'm the one who is asking to increase the numbers for the event. My reasoning behind it is that there are a lot of guys that can not participate in all scenario's, but if we can get a lot of guys willing to commit to a couple of Saturday's then we can schedule them in when they can make it, If they show on a unscheduled day than they will be reassigned to another squad. This would mean a little more work for the CO and GL, but anytime we try to increase the numbers the better. Once they experience in an event, than they may be more likely to show when not scheduled just to have fun. We all know that most would rather fly a fighter that they like, that's why I'm suggesting increasing fighters squad's first and get the bug going.
  By no means am I trying to make thing's unfair when it comes to the event, just trying to get more people interested, and it may be a good way to start.
 Other than that I'm OK with the write up and will go with what the event committee approves.

General Carl"weiser"Spaatz
CO Allies

The write up has an in for this P38s and P40s can be added to at will, I don't think on top of everything else having longer range spits is a good idea for the Axis to also contend with in the guise of "bringing more players" which will most likely be another squad of good pilots now in spit 8s than can run the same missions as the other allied a/c with ease.
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Offline Brooke

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #51 on: July 30, 2018, 09:56:31 PM »
I like your gumption, SESeph!  :aok

Feel free to say what you suggest.  I encourage folks to do that as long as they can make their points in a civil manner.   :aok

Offline weiser

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #52 on: July 30, 2018, 10:06:14 PM »
Lt Fawcett's Spitfire Mk IX: 309th FS

Span 36 ft. 10 in. length 32 ft. 10 in.; height 12 ft. 8 in.; wing area 242 sq. ft.
Normal loaded 7,400 lb.
1720 hp Merlin 66 engine; Maximum speed 404 mph @ 21,000 ft, Rate of Climb 4,700/min, Service Ceiling 42,500 ft.
"b" wing" 2 20mm cannon, 4 0.303 in. Browning machine guns
Flown by:
307th FS April 6, 43 to March 44

308th FS April 23, 43 to March 44

309th FS April 12, 43 to March 44

Lt Leland Molland's Spitfire Mk VIII: 308th FS

Span 40 ft. 2 in. length 32 ft. 10 in.; height 12 ft. 8 in.; wing area 248.5 sq. ft.
Normal loaded 7,807 lb.
1710 hp Merlin 70 engine; Maximum speed 416 mph, Rate of Climb 4,530/min @ SL, Service Ceiling 45,000 ft.
"b" wing" 2 20mm cannon, 4 0.303 in. Browning machine guns
Flown by:
308th FS May 43 to March 44
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Offline jeffn

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #53 on: July 30, 2018, 10:09:53 PM »
 I have done research on Pantelleria and both Spit 8 and 9's were there, they were part of the 31FG with the 307,308 and 309 squad. I'm the one who is asking to increase the numbers for the event. My reasoning behind it is that there are a lot of guys that can not participate in all scenario's, but if we can get a lot of guys willing to commit to a couple of Saturday's then we can schedule them in when they can make it, If they show on a unscheduled day than they will be reassigned to another squad. This would mean a little more work for the CO and GL, but anytime we try to increase the numbers the better. Once they experience in an event, than they may be more likely to show when not scheduled just to have fun. We all know that most would rather fly a fighter that they like, that's why I'm suggesting increasing fighters squad's first and get the bug going.
  By no means am I trying to make thing's unfair when it comes to the event, just trying to get more people interested, and it may be a good way to start.
 Other than that I'm OK with the write up and will go with what the event committee approves.

General Carl"weiser"Spaatz
CO Allies

I agree with Weiser on taking measures to attempt to increase the amount of players that participate. Speaking as a player who has "walked on" in the past, i was happy to do what ever was asked. Even tho i am not a good bomber, i would fly one, or a fighter that may not be the hottest bird in the hanger but that's me

Maybe we can wait and see how fast sign up fills up, once open, and go from there if extra fighter squads should be added?
Jagdgeschwader 11


Offline Guppy35

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #54 on: July 30, 2018, 10:34:36 PM »
Lt Fawcett's Spitfire Mk IX: 309th FS

Span 36 ft. 10 in. length 32 ft. 10 in.; height 12 ft. 8 in.; wing area 242 sq. ft.
Normal loaded 7,400 lb.
1720 hp Merlin 66 engine; Maximum speed 404 mph @ 21,000 ft, Rate of Climb 4,700/min, Service Ceiling 42,500 ft.
"b" wing" 2 20mm cannon, 4 0.303 in. Browning machine guns
Flown by:
307th FS April 6, 43 to March 44

308th FS April 23, 43 to March 44

309th FS April 12, 43 to March 44

Lt Leland Molland's Spitfire Mk VIII: 308th FS

Span 40 ft. 2 in. length 32 ft. 10 in.; height 12 ft. 8 in.; wing area 248.5 sq. ft.
Normal loaded 7,807 lb.
1710 hp Merlin 70 engine; Maximum speed 416 mph, Rate of Climb 4,530/min @ SL, Service Ceiling 45,000 ft.
"b" wing" 2 20mm cannon, 4 0.303 in. Browning machine guns
Flown by:
308th FS May 43 to March 44

The ones they were flying in the time frame of the scenario were both using Merlin 61.  Both had the Universal wing that was called the C wing on the Spit V but was not designated with a letter on the VIII and IX as it was standard.  B wing was the earlier Spit V wing with a smaller cannon load.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Devil 505

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #55 on: July 30, 2018, 10:36:05 PM »
I agree with Weiser on taking measures to attempt to increase the amount of players that participate. Speaking as a player who has "walked on" in the past, i was happy to do what ever was asked. Even tho i am not a good bomber, i would fly one, or a fighter that may not be the hottest bird in the hanger but that's me

Maybe we can wait and see how fast sign up fills up, once open, and go from there if extra fighter squads should be added?

I agree in principle with being a bit more flexible with walkons. It is not likely that many will want a P-40 or C.202. Even the P-38 is a bit of a niche. As long as there are a reasonable number of P-38's and P-40's, I would have no problem with Allied walkons having SpitV's in addition to the squad of SpitIX's.
Kommando Nowotny

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #56 on: July 30, 2018, 10:43:36 PM »
The Allied side is not gonna need the walkons like the Axis side is going to though...This we know...
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Offline Vudu15

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #57 on: July 30, 2018, 10:47:11 PM »
Civility has gotten us nowhere...since you don't think anything is wrong with the stuff that's being put out.
Folks have been telling you for years and you've just about run em all off.

The spit debate should have been put to bed 2 weeks ago, fleets on straight lines is just sad, and numerous targets for the allies to split forces and strike at will and then ditch or bail to airspawn and start again. Oh and lose your island so that you can I assume fight an extended engagement from the mainland...yep nothing wrong here. I will of course fly it but I'll be anything but quiet about how twisted this and I would just assume other events will become.

On to the event at hand...

So fleets will be standard layout or will extras be added?

Next for bombers is that "loss" +-1 for each plane in the formation or just +-1 for just the trio?

So for the capture of the island is that 25 points or 25 targets?

Where is the map for when/if the island is lost?

"When Pantelleria is an available target for your side, bomber groups must Attempt at least one Mission to Pantelleria." wouldn't it always be an available target for one side as opposed to at some point it may not be a valid target? asking for a friend.

I'll continue to ask questions as I run into em. thanks in advance.
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Offline Brooke

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #58 on: July 30, 2018, 11:52:19 PM »
Because one side (axis to start) has only ships to hit while the other side (allies to start) can choose land targets or ships, and because hitting maneuvering ships is greatly harder than hitting land targets, Ditto had the idea -- which I think is a good idea -- to make the ships at least non-maneuvering.

I'm not sure how well cargo/supply ships were able to maneuver anyway, and that's what we are more intending as the targets here.  We don't have merchant fleets to use, though, so our normal TG's are the stand ins.

Offline Brooke

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Re: "Pantelleria, 1943" scenario-design topic
« Reply #59 on: July 31, 2018, 01:01:25 AM »
Civility has gotten us nowhere...

You, Vudu, can post about what you think is bad in a design.  You don't need to agree with me or the Scenario Team.

But you need to leave out the insults, abrasiveness, and corrosive attitude.  That detrimental disruption has no place here.

If it keeps happening, I will ask for a meeting of the CM team overall to decide what to do, because I've done my best to explain the above two sentences several times already.