numerous targets for the allies to split forces and strike at will
Allies and axis have approximately the same geographical distribution of targets. In both cases, at least two separate concentrations.
and then ditch or bail to airspawn and start again.
Ditching and bailing will give the enemy points, same as shooting the plane down.
Your comment seems to apply about equally to both sides.
Oh and lose your island so that you can I assume fight an extended engagement from the mainland...yep nothing wrong here.
The "Setup" section of the writeup explains why the loss of the island is in the event.
So fleets ...
Answered in an above post.
Next for bombers is that "loss" +-1 for each plane in the formation or just +-1 for just the trio?
Shoot down a bomber aircraft, get 1 point for your side (so 3 for trio).
Good catch on the loss part as the formula currently would give only 1 point for ditch of a trio instead of 3 points for ditch of trio. I will fix it. Thank you for pointing that out.
So for the capture of the island is that 25 points or 25 targets?
As mentioned in a previous post, 25 targets (75 points). I do need to write that part in the rules more clearly -- it's not worded well currently.
Where is the map for when/if the island is lost?
One map covers it all.
I'll continue to ask questions as I run into em. thanks in advance.
Only a minority of your post is insulting or derisive (no thank you for that part), and the rest of it is civil (thank you for that part

). You can talk about stuff you think is bad in the design while still being civil -- you just did it several times -- and that is totally welcome here.