[naming of units]
Swareiam and Ditto, can you guys take lead on determining group naming and incorporating people's suggestions there as you see appropriate?
I also saw that bunkers and hangars are worth 3 points each. If 9 are destroyed (27 points) before Frame 3, the Allies receive .5 Victory points (please correct me if I am wrong).
The allies receive 0.5 Victory Points if they destroy 25 valid targets (75 points worth) prior to end of Frame 2. I need to write that in the rules in a better way than it's in there currently.
Lastly, a tie is possible. . . . You could also apply a tiebreaker rule.
Yes. I think having a draw is OK, but depends on people's preferences.
Overall, it looks pretty good for a preliminary write up. Looking forward to it 
Thank you, and <S> to you as well.