More fights than I have seen in a long time.
Full radar is often used for tank night in the AvA. It makes flanking a target essentially impossible. The enemy tank knows where the attacking tank is at all times and can just position his frontal armor against it. Up a Tiger II, the frontal armor of which is nearly impervious to any other tank, and win every battle. The AvA usually counters this somewhat by adding a delay time to the GV radar update (and by almost never enabling the Tiger II).Personally, I suspect I will not like this change at all: it devolves tank battles to simple brute force frontal jousting. No setting up ambushes at choke points, no hiding hull down, no shoot and scoot, just point at each other and bang bang.
....but were they fights, or just people running into each other?Im all for finding/running into other players, but not if it leads to chasing more players to ack and such. know where EVERYONE is ALL the time,so... Will they fight YOUR fight,remains to be seen I guess. Sure, they still act as they always have... nothing will ever change that. No need to wonder AT ALL as to what you are flying into. Made a difference in that aspect at least. Pretty sure this will lead to HIGH ALT furballs...Only way to get advantage since you know where they are....IMO Only an idiot would fly alone,low into a place with 10 red guys..not much of a difference really. Just that the Moans and Lamentations will evolve. I didnt drop a single bomb tonight...Felt dirty just to think about it. I am sure that it might grow on me though
Guess im an idiot that enjoys fighting rather than climbing... there used to be a lot more around.Going to check this out after the brewers close out the dodgers.
I like it for fighters. I think the tanks and buffs need to be excluded if possible.
I agree shamus. And maybe even keep the below dar and icon alts of 250 and 65.One-eye
You can use logic to justify almost anything. That's it's power and it's fault.