Author Topic: ENY (one more time)  (Read 12904 times)

Offline Vraciu

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #90 on: October 04, 2018, 01:20:36 PM »
My statements stand.  :cool:

They're there but they don't stand.   :cheers:
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Offline Arlo

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #91 on: October 04, 2018, 01:35:49 PM »
They're there but they don't stand.   :cheers:

They stand as well as or better than your anecdotes. :)

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #92 on: October 04, 2018, 02:25:27 PM »
They stand as well as or better than your anecdotes. :)

Must be Opposite Day.   :devil

By your own admission you don't even comprehend said assertions, thus refuting them is not even possible--as demonstrated. :old:

Eh, don't sweat it.  When you guys elect me as King of the World I'll fix everything.  :D   :banana:
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 03:29:29 PM by Vraciu »
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Offline Vinkman

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #93 on: October 05, 2018, 11:05:43 AM »
I'm sorry if my understanding HT's ENY as a mechanic to give outnumbered sides less of a disadvantage seemed confusing. Every post I've made on the subject has been supportive of that element of design. As far as 'complicated work-arounds' are concerned, where did you see one? I posted about players not letting their own emotional or mental complications get in the way of enjoying a good game, as designed.  There have been very few design tweaks recommended by players that I have found compelling (Fugi recently posted one). So if you're mistaking my continued support of ENY as something radical or a 'solution to a game design problem' that is incomplete, somehow - please don't. I don't perceive the game as a problem, in that regard. There are players, however, that appear to insist on having one.

ENY treats countries as a single entity where limiting plane choice helps Rooks vs Knits when knit numbers are larger. It SEEMS logical.

But the reality on large maps is that countries are not single entities that are coordinating the activities of players in support of the country goal. Instead every quadrant is it's own microcosm of independent activity that is only connected to the rest of the activity through down times limits. 

so when I log on and take off and fly out to meet a group of fighters in my microcosm and I'm out number 3 v 1 ENY makes no sense.  In reality of the Jokers are on, they will roll a map and win the war because they group locally into the microcosm where they are fighting and out number everyone. Yet the people they are attacking are limited by ENY. So ENY performs the exact opposite affect of its intended purpose.  So ENY can't limit unbalanced action and teams rolling maps, or gang-ing up.

And why should it?  :salute
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Offline Arlo

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #94 on: October 05, 2018, 12:28:03 PM »
That's a player issue. Each side is indeed a single entity comprised of individual players. The organization of that entity (or lack of) is completely player driven. Again, ENY works as intended. Map capture is another design element. If it was just about grabbing favorite rides to dogfight then it would not be the MA but the dueling arena or match play. Players suffering consequence is always their side's fault in the MA. It is equally applied and fair (right down to the option of switching sides to either balance or retain your ride - as an individual or group - your choice).

P.S. Side switch time limitation is a direct result of players complaining about spies gaming the game. Personally, I've always felt that was unnecessary, given the public admission by many that they shadow account and that such isn't a game rule violation (that and out of game vox programs being used cross country). Even if players want to pay HT extra to 'be clever', I suspect their efforts don't yield the return they imagine. That being said, did switch limitation ever actually hinder me and is it worth my complaining or campaigning against it? Not really. I anticipate it'll still be in place upon my return and that it won't hinder my fun or way I play this game, whatsoever. 

Offline Vinkman

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #95 on: October 05, 2018, 01:16:54 PM »
That's a player issue. Each side is indeed a single entity comprised of individual players. The organization of that entity (or lack of) is completely player driven. Again, ENY works as intended.

Only if it's intended purpose is to piss people off. It does not effect the outcome of the war.  :salute
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Offline Ciaphas

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #96 on: October 05, 2018, 01:19:36 PM »
why not remove ENY and replace it with a perk value that fluctuates much like ENY?

this way no one is saying you can't fly your favorite ride but you will have to pay a premium to fly it in the current environment.

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #97 on: October 05, 2018, 01:20:29 PM »
Players suffering consequence is always their side's fault in the MA.

How is it the players fault to get ganged by the other two sides? It is a natural process. Players like to fight easy enemies, and to capture fields easily. Once one enemy is determined as the easier one, players move to that front. The same happens on the second side fighting the same enrmy, because that enemy is already busy, and hence the easier one.

How does ENY affect this? The country being limited cannot defend itself as easily as the others. Hence it's more likely to be selected as a common target.

How can a country get out of that situation? How to make the other countries fight eachother? Porking is an obvious choice, but with limited options. Ammo bunkers is the only easily feasible option. Fuel porking has been disabled, and too many barracks per field. Maybe there is an alternative: Instead of spreading out and slowing two enemies slightly the correct reaction is to horde and defend against only one, temporarily abandoning the other front. That should make the enemy defended against feel that it's probably easier to attack the other side.

Offline Arlo

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #98 on: October 05, 2018, 03:24:39 PM »
ENY penalizes players electing to not switch for balance sake when their side enjoys a significant numerical advantage. Even then, it doesn't force you to change sides if you don't want to. The complaint against it is an 'eat my cake and have it too' one. Don't try winning an argument by obtuse over complication.

Offline icepac

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #99 on: October 05, 2018, 04:14:04 PM »
why not remove ENY and replace it with a perk value that fluctuates much like ENY?

this way no one is saying you can't fly your favorite ride but you will have to pay a premium to fly it in the current environment.

I like this a lot.   

Offline FESS67

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #100 on: October 05, 2018, 04:20:46 PM »
The problem is there are many arguments and counter punches to the ENY issue.

Standing back and observing it is obvious that it is an important element of dissatisfaction as it comes up as a complaint time and again.

For me, I am done worrying about it and simply log off.  That is my preference.  If my game session is not fun then it is likely not the game for me.

Now there are those that will call me weak, or in need of a late war crutch, whatever.  I can hold my own, it just is not as much fun.  So perhaps answer me this.  Why stay when the game mechanics reduce the enjoyment level for me?

Online The Fugitive

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #101 on: October 05, 2018, 04:52:32 PM »
The problem is there are many arguments and counter punches to the ENY issue.

Standing back and observing it is obvious that it is an important element of dissatisfaction as it comes up as a complaint time and again.

For me, I am done worrying about it and simply log off.  That is my preference.  If my game session is not fun then it is likely not the game for me.

Now there are those that will call me weak, or in need of a late war crutch, whatever.  I can hold my own, it just is not as much fun.  So perhaps answer me this.  Why stay when the game mechanics reduce the enjoyment level for me?

I believe that those that leave due to a lack of fun is in the hundreds and it continues everyday. We have trouble hitting 200 players on a Saturday night these days. But why change anything, nothings broke right?  :rolleyes:

Offline Arlo

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #102 on: October 05, 2018, 08:24:02 PM »
I believe that those that leave due to a lack of fun is in the hundreds and it continues everyday.

Belief never truly replaces real statistics. That's the difference between a cult and science. Back before the graphics update it was claimed players were leaving in droves because of that.

Online The Fugitive

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #103 on: October 05, 2018, 08:27:08 PM »
Belief never truly replaces real statistics. That's the difference between a cult and science. Back before the graphics update it was claimed players were leaving in droves because of that.

....and if you look at the ranking you can see that hundreds if not over a thousand players no longer rank. Oh and when was the last time you played?

Offline Arlo

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Re: ENY (one more time)
« Reply #104 on: October 05, 2018, 10:54:32 PM »
....and if you look at the ranking you can see that hundreds if not over a thousand players no longer rank. Oh and when was the last time you played?

I was waiting for someone to try to play that card, in spite of the fact that I regularly admit in my posts that my account is currently inactive, why it is and that I didn't rage quit or leave in protest of anything.

I've never stopped playing because the game wasn't fun. From the time I had my stroke, through recovery to the point of going back to school and living with a reduced income, as a result, I never intended to break my connection with this game or this community. I finally caved to practicality and decided to temporarily let my account lapse Dec. of 2017 (oddly enough to my wife's protests - she supports my connection to AH). As it turned out, it was left active for four months longer and my darling wife, the keeper of the cc statement, didn't say anything (not that I had the luxury to play because of studies). I took that time to save up ever so slowly for a computer upgrade. This turned out to be a practical necessity, expense-wise, when my step-son moved back in, bringing with him his energy hogging game PC. His PC will get moth-balled for the duration once my new PC is complete and set up for community family use. That'll be a 300.00 utility expense trimming (with just one PC running regularly and not seeing extensive game use).

Currently, a major monthly expense is finally paid off. My game computer sits on the floor with a new motherboard, new memory sticks and a new video card but unfortunately my A+ training is so old and outdated that I'll hafta let the Geeksquad handle it. Hopefully soon.

My personal experience is what leads me to believe that people who claim everyone that isn't currently playing the game left in disgust or frustration with a game design feature or function is mainly projection. Neither you nor I have hard data to back such a claim or even to state that they all experienced the same life circumstances I have. I don't think it's unreasonable that there may be a mixture but I never was impressed with claims of certainty based on anything but hard data to prove it.

So, I anticipate my return fairly soon. It won't be because something broken in the game got fixed. Like I've pretty much consistently said; it's not the game, it's the players (and I know plenty that are still in game that make up for that).