Some do, some don’t. Most don’t.
But you make my point. Ack did its job by clearing them. No need to give them a kill for (losing and/or) fleeing. They have received their reward.
I don't chase them in because it's stupid. In my scenario they never get Proxy kills. So there is no code that can prevent what doesn't happen.
Your assumption:
Step 1) Change code to get rid of Proxies
Result: people stop running to ack.
I think you are very mistaken about people not running to ack after your proposed change. So if you change the code all that will happen is:
1) You will follow him into ack because now you know he won't get a proxy kill.
2) Ack will kill you
3) He will still laugh that you followed him into ack and you died
4) Ack damage your plane.
5) He will kill you when you limp home.
your change will fix nothing. Hence it's a "change" and not a "fix". Change for change's sake is a waste of HT's valuable time.