Author Topic: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7  (Read 16379 times)

Offline bustr

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2018, 12:21:43 PM »
Empty your wing tanks and make sure you have a smidge burned off the bottom tank before engaging in aerobatics. Sadly our 14 is not burning 150 oct like the real ones did which made it's WEP out power the K4. 150 oct did wonders for all the allied rides from July 44 onward.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2018, 12:43:53 PM »
you forgot the Brewster

The Brewster is one of the least sucessful fighters in the MA, no other true fighter is dying so much more than it kills (in absolute numbers).
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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2018, 12:45:00 PM »
Current numbers

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #33 on: November 06, 2018, 12:58:43 PM »
Just make the Yak3 die when you shoot  it and everything will be fine.
The similar sized LA-7 die from a volley of 20mm's in no time, whereas the Yak-3 just go on like nothing happened to it - or like Bustr wrote, it is very inconsistent in it's damage model compared with other fighters.
My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline bustr

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #34 on: November 06, 2018, 02:26:44 PM »
Hitech always states unless you change the arena setup settings or object settings, offline damage is the same as online. If anything, offline is where you benchmark in a perfect environment what should be in the MA. Then in the MA add in player ability and vagaries along with delay introduced visa the communication medium. In the offline perfect environment the Yak3 is not consistent to the Yak family and La family when you shoot at it by a margin we all witness in the MA which helps players who fly it to survive.

Anecdotally, I suspect it's superior maneuverability almost equal to the spit16, makes it's guns highly effective because it allows good sticks to get very close which maximizes the damage and the small magazine load. Inside of 200 in 6 chases, 0-20 deg off, many spit drivers miss due to their guns mounted in the wings, while the Yak3 has no such problems up to point blank.

Offline even shooting from 200-400 with a 10-20 deg off, the Yak3 had Teflon skin compared to the general Yak family and La family. Hitting it's silhouette required more controlled aiming while the rest suffered more secondary damage from dispersion. After the rear6 shooting tests, I researched if theYak3 had some kind of enhanced end of the war armor. It dosen't along with no armored wind screen. Offline and online it requires much tighter aiming tolerances in my experience. In that case at least the Yak9u and La7 being the same generation should be that immune or, the Yak3 toned down a little when it comes to catching passing rounds.     
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Squire

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2018, 07:12:24 PM »
I laugh my bag off at the calls to perk the Yak-3. I have over 4000 points so first off...go ahead I don't care...but anyways back to it just for laughs...

* Ok so we DON'T perk the Spit XVI? is that right?
* P-51D, Dora, Bf 109K-4, P-47M. Geez it's such an uphill fight flying those eh? fighting the good fight with the lesser plane...such courage! pfft.
* N1K2. Oh did I mention the N1K2?
* LA-7 anyone??? "who me? I never fly it"...ya.
* MA Arena K/D. Who cares. What does that have to do with anything? hmm?
* It's Russian. Did I mention it's Russian? oohhh...that's bad isn't it?

whereas the Yak-3 just go on like nothing happened to it
...clearly you don't fly it much.

...and lastly...EVERYBODY ELSES PLANE is ***always*** the one with the fudged up damage model...NEVER the one YOU fly! EVER.

Send it to HTC. If there is a problem have them look at it the rest is sour grapes.

Bye.  :rolleyes:

« Last Edit: November 06, 2018, 07:15:22 PM by Squire »
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Offline caldera

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2018, 07:57:50 PM »
I laugh my bag off at the calls to perk the Yak-3. I have over 4000 points so first off...go ahead I don't care...but anyways back to it just for laughs...

* Ok so we DON'T perk the Spit XVI? is that right?
* P-51D, Dora, Bf 109K-4, P-47M. Geez it's such an uphill fight flying those eh? fighting the good fight with the lesser plane...such courage! pfft.
* N1K2. Oh did I mention the N1K2?
* LA-7 anyone??? "who me? I never fly it"...ya.
* MA Arena K/D. Who cares. What does that have to do with anything? hmm?
* It's Russian. Did I mention it's Russian? oohhh...that's bad isn't it?
...clearly you don't fly it much.

...and lastly...EVERYBODY ELSES PLANE is ***always*** the one with the fudged up damage model...NEVER the one YOU fly! EVER.

Send it to HTC. If there is a problem have them look at it the rest is sour grapes.

Bye.  :rolleyes:

Which of those planes you mentioned are rated at an ENY of 18?   Strange that such a modest plane is so popular and successful, isn't it?   Just a coincidence, perhaps.

4000 perks, is that supposed to seem like a lot?
"Then out spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the gate:
 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
 And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds.
 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."

Offline Squire

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #37 on: November 06, 2018, 08:23:32 PM »
Oh I forgot. ENY. Who cares. Rank crap that nobody cares about. Thanks.

Is it a lot? I dunno maybe to you?
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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #38 on: November 06, 2018, 09:09:27 PM »
I laugh my bag off at the calls to perk the Yak-3. I have over 4000 points so first off...go ahead I don't care...but anyways back to it just for laughs...

* Ok so we DON'T perk the Spit XVI? is that right?
* P-51D, Dora, Bf 109K-4, P-47M. Geez it's such an uphill fight flying those eh? fighting the good fight with the lesser plane...such courage! pfft.
* N1K2. Oh did I mention the N1K2?
* LA-7 anyone??? "who me? I never fly it"...ya.
* MA Arena K/D. Who cares. What does that have to do with anything? hmm?
* It's Russian. Did I mention it's Russian? oohhh...that's bad isn't it?
...clearly you don't fly it much.

...and lastly...EVERYBODY ELSES PLANE is ***always*** the one with the fudged up damage model...NEVER the one YOU fly! EVER.

Send it to HTC. If there is a problem have them look at it the rest is sour grapes.

Bye.  :rolleyes:

You afraid someone might take one of your crutches away? Or that you might run out of those 4000 perks if they change things?

LOL!!!! just look at the numbers. It is one of the most versatile fighters in the arena, and is flown by a very large percentage of the population. When I want an easy night I up Yaks.

The point these people are trying to make is they would like to see a bit of variety in the planes they fight. HTC can make that happen by tweaking the ENY/perks of the Yak, spit16, La, and 190D9. It could be why some players are leaving, tired of fighting the same 3 or 4 planes.

Oops! I guess we can see why you have an issue with this...... over the last 2 years.....

« Last Edit: November 06, 2018, 09:22:29 PM by The Fugitive »

Offline bozon

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #39 on: November 07, 2018, 02:08:04 AM »
Bah yak3  :rolleyes:

Sure it is made of wood, but it is way too small, has only 1 engine without WEP, no bomb bay, no navigator, only 1 cannon and even that one is not hispano, and insted of 4 0.303s the Russians fitted it with 13mm MGs.  :huh
A flawed design if I ever saw one.

Its damage soaking ability is a myth. On many occasions I managed to hit it with a volley from quad hispanos and destroy its landing gear.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 02:10:46 AM by bozon »
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #40 on: November 07, 2018, 02:21:53 AM »
LOL!!!! just look at the numbers. It is one of the most versatile fighters in the arena,

Maybe I need to recalibrate my understanding of language.

Does it have the guns to take down bombers conveniently? Does it carry ordance? Does it have the legs for long-range escort tasks?

It's a monster in the furball, but versatile it isn't. And ENY considers all aspects. For a pure furball ENY multiple adjustments would be needed.

Maybe a wish: Separate A2A-ENY (used to determine perks earned for a2a-kills, and other-ENY for all the rest (ENY-limiter). Furball-planes would earn less perks for shooting down planes that today get their low ENY from really being versatile. Maybe it's even easy: adjust ENY to pure a2a capability, and change the ENY-limiter to be an OBJ/ENY-limiter.

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #41 on: November 07, 2018, 02:24:51 AM »
Current numbers

Does this contain kills of/by bombers? It would be interesting to see the pure a2a side of things.

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #42 on: November 07, 2018, 02:26:23 AM »
The top yak pilots are much less experienced. GP5, Orelle, BTdiver.

Two of those pilots fly very timid, won't engage one on one, or generally without alt advantage. One of those pilots has an internet connection that seems to get a bit wonky at the most "opportune" of times. You need to take that into account.

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #43 on: November 07, 2018, 02:38:12 AM »
In that case at least the Yak9u and La7 being the same generation should be that immune or, the Yak3 toned down a little when it comes to catching passing rounds.     

I get comments all the time on how the Yak 9U or 9T are "bullet proof". Most of the time people are barely registering any pings on me. I suspect being a smaller air frame a lot are getting in closer than they normally do and that is mucking up the convergence effectiveness. There are very few people in AH that shoot effectively at converged range - and those that do tear you up quickly.

One of the significant advantages people fail to take into account in AH are center mounted weapons, imho a centerline 20mm is worth at least 2 x 20mm. The yak 9u has 1 x 20mm and 2 x 12.9mm (50 effectively) in the nose, so for me it is like a ride with wing mount 2x20mm and 4x 50 - just not much ammo. One of the reasons I like the yak is I am not good at the converged shooting.

Offline Lusche

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Re: Its time to perk the Yak3 and La7
« Reply #44 on: November 07, 2018, 06:53:04 AM »
Does this contain kills of/by bombers? It would be interesting to see the pure a2a side of things.

Yes, it contains bombers, because those things fly in the air too  :D
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