I'll be in Ki-45/110C's as well and will be putting my guys into them.
I've flown a lot of ground attack and antishipping in scenarios (Coral Sea 2005 and 2009, Pacific War, Med. Maelstrom, Husky, Philippine Phandango, Tunisia, Hinterland, Dnieper, Pantelleria, Kuban, Southern Conquest, Red Storm, and Enemy Coast Ahead; in Ju 88's, B-26's, Ki-67's, A-20's, Il-2's, Ju 87's, TBM's, B5N's, FW 190's, La-5's, and Typhoons).
I think the Ki-45/110C will be a lot fun, and I'm looking forward to it.

As an attack pilot, my main concern is never the ord we carry because that is usually balanced in hardness, targets, and scoring enough to suit me.
Yankees, beware the might of Imperial Japan!