Here is a script to set up your offline terrain for practicing.
.//----------------------- start --------------------------------
.//This script will set things up for TFT "Leyte, 1944", plus it
.//will allow bombing of friendly objects (so that you don't have
.//to fly to an enemy base or ship to practice bombing or strafing),
.//plus it has an air spawn from a51 (click N launch) that puts you
.//about 10 miles east off shore at 3000 ft altitude, so that you can
.//come in to bomb or attack things. You can take any plane off from
.//any field and any carrier (so you can launch Bf 110C's/Ki-45 and
.//B-25H from carriers to quickly practice antishipping).
.//To use this script:
.//-- Copy all text into a file (using, say, notepad) and save it in
.// your "C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High III\scripts" folder as
.// the file named "leytePractice.txt".
.//-- Start Aces High.
.//-- Click "Choose terrain" and select "luzon".
.//-- (If you don't have luzon terrain yet, see below.)
.//-- Click "Offline practice".
.//-- Click "options->arena setup->cm tools->scripts".
.//-- On the left, select "leytePractice.txt" and click "OK".
.//-- Now you are all set.
.//If you don't have luzon terrain yet,
.//-- Click "Online Arenas",
.//-- Click "OK",
.//-- Click "Create Arena",
.//-- Select "luzon" as the terrain,
.//-- Click "Create".
.//-- That will download the luzon terrain for you.
.//motd -- doesn't seem to work
.motd motdLeyte.txt
.//Reset wind to all zero, then set downwind I want.
.//Note can't set wind directly after .wind. Need
.//other commands in between.
.wind 0 0 0 0
.//.wind 24000 0 0 -45 <---- do this at end of script
.//Set weather.
.sweath light5k
.//Set arena settings all to default, then set the ones I want.
.vset default
.vset countryflags[0] 3
.vset countryflags[1] 3
.vset countryflags[2] 2
.vset arenaflags 275500
.vset bomberwarningrange 42240
.vset communicationflags 3
.vset changecountrytime 0
.vset exitwhilemoving 508
.vset fighterwarningrange 42240
.vset flightmodeflags 5248
.vset FogLoFarMiles 18.0
.vset FogLoNearMiles 1.0
.vset fuelburnratemult 1.0
.vset groundautolethality[2] 0.1
.vset groundautolethality[1] 0.1
.vset groundautolethality[0] 0.1
.vset radarmode[0] 400
.vset radarmode[1] 400
.vset radarmode[2] 48
.vset radarupdaterate 30
.vset sectorcounteralt 1000
.vset sectorcounterrange 158400
.vset taskgrouprespawntime 360
.vset towerbasedradarrange 158400
.vset stratflags 1
.//Reset map to country order I want.
.reset 2 1 3
.//Change same fields and ships to different country.
.sfield 59 2 0
.sfield 88 2 0
.sfield 54 2 0
.sfield 31 2 0
.sfield 94 2 0
.sfield 96 2 0
.sfield 49 2 0
.sfield 70 2 0
.sfield 46 2 0
.sfield 55 2 0
.sfield 45 2 0
.sfield 60 2 0
.sfield 40 2 0
.sfield 41 2 0
.//Change some ships to knight
.sfield 78 2 0
.sfield 79 2 0
.sfield 80 2 0
.//Change some ships to bish
.sfield 73 1 0
.sfield 74 1 0
.//Enable all planes
.eplane 0 0
.//Set all objects to default, then set the ones I want different.
.//bunk barr
.sethardness 13 0.7
.setdowntime 13 5
.//bunk fuel
.sethardness 12 0.7
.setdowntime 12 5
.//bunk ammo
.sethardness 11 0.7
.setdowntime 11 5
.//bunk radar
.sethardness 6 0.7
.setdowntime 6 5
.//bomb hgr
.sethardness 24 1.5
.setdowntime 24 5
.//ftr hgr
.sethardness 23 1.5
.setdowntime 23 5
.//veh hgr
.sethardness 25 1.5
.setdowntime 25 5
.//Set large downtimes on gun bat and gun bat armor.
.setdowntime 28 1200
.setdowntime 38 1200
.//Clear out all shape settings, then set ones I want.
.//hardness number = 6.4 x lbs (e.g., 12800 = 2000 lbs)
.//downtime is in seconds (e.g., 3600 = 1 hour)
.sh clear
.sh set ca ca 4480 72000
.sh set cv cv 8960 72000
.sh set de de 4480 72000
.//Enable all weapons.
.disableweapon -1 -1 -1 1 1
.//Disable the ones I want.
.disableweapon 80 1 1 0 1
.disableweapon 80 1 3 0 1
.disableweapon 80 1 4 0 1
.disableweapon 80 1 5 0 1
.//Our final wind command.
.wind 24000 0 0 -45
.po ADD entpnt 21 00004400 50 474513.50 3000.00 -737903.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1
.po ADD entpnt 8 00004400 50 474513.50 3000.00 -737903.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1
.//--------------------- end -----------------------