Author Topic: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January  (Read 12282 times)

Offline Vudu15

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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #45 on: January 17, 2019, 12:53:56 AM »
Lol you know all of you could fly for one side. Its not like it matters all that much anyhow, y'alls decision making has never been hampered by sides or by good judgment. In my opinion based on past scenarios.

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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #46 on: January 17, 2019, 01:29:34 AM »
Lol you know all of you could fly for one side.

Incorrect.  We have side CM's in recent years.

Also, when the allied side needed a CO, he agreed to do that as well.

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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #47 on: January 17, 2019, 05:27:47 AM »
The Registration page determined this was a lie...

Slaps Vudu with a dead trout.     :D
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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #48 on: January 17, 2019, 06:42:03 PM »
Incorrect.  We have side CM's in recent years.

Also, when the allied side needed a CO, he agreed to do that as well.

LOL CMs as COs... I wonder why you guys always seem to have issues getting side COs for your events...If only you could figure out what's causing that.
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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #49 on: January 17, 2019, 08:14:12 PM »
LOL CMs as COs... I wonder why you guys always seem to have issues getting side COs for your events...If only you could figure out what's causing that.

CM's for the next Scenario are needed at the moment. Should be fun for 190 pilots  :devil
C.O. Kommando Nowotny


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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #50 on: January 18, 2019, 03:45:51 AM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: January 18, 2019, 02:05:42 PM by Skuzzy »
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« Last Edit: January 18, 2019, 02:06:03 PM by Skuzzy »
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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #52 on: January 18, 2019, 07:17:25 AM »
Observations of event “Pantelleria”

After a back and forth with CMs on the open forums early into the voting stage which took place during the month of June I requested the CO position for the Axis and was denied.

From Brooke by PM dated July 15th, 2018 “Specifically for the CO position, though, after discussion among the CM team, none of the CM's thinks it works well to have an event CO who is completely opposed to that event's system.” This msg was CC’d to Ditto and swareiam.

So during another back and forth with Ditto on the way these events are being run I discovered that Ditto and maybe the rest of the CM team(unsure) are writing events because they want to fly in events. So creating events for their own self interest not for the community...This to me goes against what the CM team is supposed to be, and how it is supposed to operate.

So July 22,2018 JeffN who is a squad member of JG11 who KCDitto is also a member of puts in and gets the CO position. I’ve flown with Jeff several times and have always gotten along with him. It’s comical to me that after I had put in for the position then learned that Ditto is creating events that he wants to fly that he would then either pressure or talk Jeff into taking his first CO slot in AH in his many years of flying in game.

So I put in for a 109 GL spot with Jeff letting him know that if he thought it might be a conflict I understood. He seemed excited and told me that Ditto had called GL for the 109G2s…….this is interesting to me as not even the initial writeup is out yet and the person who wrote the event has selected an a/c and even become the GL of it. (July23)

Then shortly after I learn he already knows what basic mission he has to perform and that of the Allies as well. Again the initial writeup isn’t even out yet and the Axis CO already knows at least what a/c he has and I would guess how many(unsure) and even knows what basic taskset he will have to perform.(July23)

As of July 23rd we have no initial write up and no allied CO and yet planeset and basic mission set have already been given to the Axis CO which in my opinion gives the Axis an unfair advantage at this time. This would be different if the writeup was out already but it isn’t and this is just not the way to start an event.

I have now learned that there is in the works some kind of attack/defense switcheroo in the mix. Where one team will defend and one team will attack then switch roles and do the same. I asked about the bomber pilots and what they will be doing on the frames where our side isn’t attacking and the Axis CO wasn’t sure. The reason for this switch? When they had four frames of defense for the Axis in FSO no one liked it and it didn’t go well. (Of course it didn’t you had to tell people to fly bombers each frame while one side soley got to defend which FSO folks don’t get to sign up for they have to take what’s given to them.) Scenarios are different in that you have a rough idea of what will be going on and so you select a role that goes with what you want to do in the game. Forcing roles by attack and defense is just silly and again takes away from the COs being able to actually run their sides instead of being puppets for the CM that wants your side. (July24th) This idea didn’t happen but that fact that it was in the works shows the planning is taking place ad hoc and with with very little forethought in my opinion.

Weiser has taken the allied CO position (July24th)

I’ve now noticed that each side gets a CM “handler” as I like to call em. Which If I recall in the past didn’t happen you had one CM for the event and this person was neutral and let the game play out. So one of the issues you have is that these CMs can then influence planning toward what they want which to me is not what they are supposed to be doing. They are suppose to give the CO/XO the writeup and may the best team win. Only if some rule issue comes up should the CMs be involved and when they are as neutral parties this gives them the ability to make decisions without appearing biased. (July 25th)

Write Up to tentatively be put out mid August with no set plane lists or missions other than the possible setups from before. Now have learned that both side COs are working with the CM team to write the event BEFORE its let loose for the public.
This amount of bias by CMs that are flying in the event then asking and allowing COs to help write the event is just silly. At this point I was tired of the whole thing and stopped writing what I saw.

One of the last big fights I had was the introduction of the the Spitfire Mk.9 vs Mk.8 debate where I got the best lines I have received so far from brooke which was I don't care what spitfire is in the event I leave that up to you guys to fight about….which is I would say funny but it really isn't as the guy “making” these events you’d think understanding basic abilities of aircraft would be on the of the requirements of the job OR that you would get someone who knows these things.

My final thoughts again are the CMs need to get out of command positions of any kind save those of the CM of the event they should not be taking GL,XO,CO spots that may go to newer pilots so that maybe just maybe you might keep these events alive if the game makes it. And votes on the next few events should be made and then REAL amounts of time should be taken to create good well thought out events. I’m not so crazy as to believe that you won’t have bad events or low turnouts of some of these but if you at least try to put together better events I think what’s left of your old guard of players will see that and feel like participating again.

Before shots are made at me about not making the first frame and then being fired as GL of the 109G6s by Jeff (which was his call and I have no issues with it) Prior to the event we had I think 4 attempts at planning meetings Jeff who was working his tail off in RL forgot about one and had to cancel 2 more. One planning session was made 2 days before the event after some rough ideas on plans which reminded me of FSO orders came down...for a true scenario this is sad. But the person I blame would be the axis handler Ditto I’m not sure how he convinced Jeff to become CO but Jeff had too much going on to be CO of the event. And again Ditto who is a CM should not be working on angles to get a CO with the reason being is you want to fly for that side get a certain ride and then lead that ride as a GL. The CM team has moved away from the true job of the CM which to make the best event they can then allow the sides to learn and plan and fight as they will (within the rules) WITHOUT a CM looking over their shoulder.

Now all you guys on this forum and game can say what you like but I'm here because I want the best event that can be made by humans, allows for fun for both sides and is a challenge.
You have hamstrung any prospective CO from taking on this role by attempting to force combat and not listening to those folks who are affected by your decisions.
Oh and Brooke break your 1-5 love it hate to into categories and have folks specify where and when they fought in game so you MIGHT get a real idea for what stuff you and your "Team" are throwing together. If any single person on this forum would like to speak to me vs this silly thing I' be more than happy to talk I have a discord and I share it freely.

Do I hate anyone? No. I'm disappointed that this is the best you think you can do and everyone just loves loves loves what you do...I do not. We can and should do better than just ok.
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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #53 on: January 18, 2019, 07:37:59 AM »
You have P47D11s when they should be D25s If you don't know what planes were in theater you need to ask someone.
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Offline Vudu15

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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2019, 07:54:31 AM »
None but that didnt stop them last time.

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Offline Vudu15

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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #56 on: January 18, 2019, 08:17:52 AM »
Just checking. :)
don't worry I've got you.

Sept 1944
The group received enough of the P-47D-23 series to completely equip three squadrons. Experimentation aimed at conserving fuel continued apace by reducing power setting and controlling prop pitches. The new electrical bomb release proved to be a great improvement over the old mechanical type and probably accounted for the 79% bomb-hit average chalked up by the group for the month. A cross-feed in the wing fuel tanks was developed and found to be of considerable aid in keeping the aircraft at a constant “trim”. External tanks not equipped with this pressure feed were found to malfunction above 21,000 feet.
The Special Service section reported an increasing interest in sports and various other sundry activities. Intramural teams were formed in all the Squadrons and a healthy interest has been aroused. The 340th Squadron in particular, is engaged whole-heartily in setting up a program involving the majority of the unit.
The Information and Education section has been instrumental in disseminating news regularly and in sponsoring various programs over the Public address system.
The Group could not count for any additional Nips shot down in aerial combat nor any Nips killed in strafing attacks but did feel that a substantial contribution had been made to the forwarding of the war effort in the SWPA during the month.
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Offline swareiam

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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #57 on: January 18, 2019, 11:13:30 AM »
Sept 1944
The group received enough of the P-47D-23 series to completely equip three squadrons. Experimentation aimed at conserving fuel continued apace by reducing power setting and controlling prop pitches. The new electrical bomb release proved to be a great improvement over the old mechanical type and probably accounted for the 79% bomb-hit average chalked up by the group for the month. A cross-feed in the wing fuel tanks was developed and found to be of considerable aid in keeping the aircraft at a constant “trim”. External tanks not equipped with this pressure feed were found to malfunction above 21,000 feet.
The Special Service section reported an increasing interest in sports and various other sundry activities. Intramural teams were formed in all the Squadrons and a healthy interest has been aroused. The 340th Squadron in particular, is engaged whole-heartily in setting up a program involving the majority of the unit.
The Information and Education section has been instrumental in disseminating news regularly and in sponsoring various programs over the Public address system.
The Group could not count for any additional Nips shot down in aerial combat nor any Nips killed in strafing attacks but did feel that a substantial contribution had been made to the forwarding of the war effort in the SWPA during the month.

Actually, I wanted the D25. But the earlier version of the event won out over my version, which was completely fine. But, I think there is enough source information available not to have to ask a specific source for approval or permission to use a specific aircraft in an event. These are some fairly well educated and bright gentlemen developing these events. I don't see where belittling their capabilities in developing a story for an event helps.

The D-23 may have some of the capabilities of the D-25, but it is still a Razorback, so we use what we have available. A long litany of responses doesn't help either. I think most folks just enjoy flying in the events and don't really care too much for design aspects, maybe five or eight out of eighty plus. But in general, our plan is to "get close" and "keep it fun" for everyone. The best merge of balance and history as we can possibly make it.

Those choosing not to have fun are doing just that...
AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2019, 11:28:12 AM »
The Jug decision is a judgement call from the designer. The D-23 is just about in between a D-11 and D-25. It enjoys the -59 engine, but not the bubble canopy. It has the strengthened spars, but not the extra fuel capacity. Its performance above 25k is superior to the D-11, but the alt cap is 24k. Both subs, in this case, could be well defended and countered.
C.O. Kommando Nowotny


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Re: Announcing Target For Today "Leyte, 1944" for end of January
« Reply #59 on: January 18, 2019, 06:01:24 PM »
Lol yeah I'd avoid those last couple of messages too if I had the whole scenario thing tied up in a bag.

Your justification for a 24K alt cap in this event is not right you rob the allies of obvious advantages while stifling gameplay overall due to a dumbing down of the event. If the axis dont know not to fight at 30k then shame on them, the bombers are at 18K thats where the fight will be.

I was considering the KI61s myself they will struggle after 22-24k so I might hang out at maybe 25-27k any allies show up you drop down to 20-22K if they wanna follow you great when your fighters show up at 30k they can jump em.

The CM team continues to try to force combat by regulating sides and planes into boxes and not allowing devlopment of leaders and pilots in game to be challenged and meet problems they haven't seen before. You are killing your events slowly smothering them with this dumbing down.

By the end you'll just have a snapshot. But I guess you aughta get it while you can.

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