Without too much errata, I require specific answers (again, my apologies - but the time to clear this up is obviously well before the 12 hour event begins).
A single mission per target = a single target per mission?
Fuel loads at a burn of 1 will likely not be full.
The bomb load weight of 6 X 1000 lb bombs is 6000 lbs.
The bomb load weight of 16 X 250 lb bombs is 4000 lbs.
I didn't ask about a second pass on the same target. I asked about a mission with a primary and secondary target - both being dropped on. Having said that, it is understood that, historically, U.S. Army Air Corps bombers did not generally bomb multiple targets per mission but were assigned secondary and even tertiary targets if the primary (or secondary) target(s) was obscured. This, being an online modified simulation of such (fewer overall bombers, etc.), it could just as easily be designed for multiple targets per group/mission to facilitate point earning (though the odds of the group succeeding in such, in whole or in part are quite slim). It does make a difference. However, you appear to be saying that a mission involves a takeoff, attacking one target and a landing (if the last two can be accomplished) - though you haven't exactly put it in those exact terms, I will take it as such unless a modification to that is revealed later.
Point being - the maximum amount of points that can be earned on one single bomber mission (if all 12 players are assigned that mission) is 3 points per player (36) with all of them dropping on one target and not getting in each other's way by dropping large salvos haphazardly, if I am interpreting the write-up correctly. This can be broken up to 18 per group if simultaneous missions are run against two targets. And that depends on all players making it to target with at least one bomber and successfully destroying at least one designated target object.
Win or loss obviously depends on points. However, my personal fun isn't measured by such. I do want to accurately provide other players on my side with details.
Again, I must ask (I've got a hammer on my desk for daring to type this reiteration) - Will object rebuild times be minimized so multiple runs on a target (another mission/group hitting the same target, later in the phase) will not result in having no objects left to destroy?
Thank you - I'm not trying to tire you in accurately providing answers - honest.