Author Topic: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse  (Read 44662 times)

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #390 on: October 13, 2019, 09:22:26 AM »
If they will delay the game to make it the best possible they can, then all the better.

LoL.  You are so predictable.  In fact, I did:


The fact that you can not display video of anything flying at this point should be a big red flag.  You are either not going to release in October, or worse, you will  release a hot, steaming mess.

And when you don't release in October you will come back here and say, "Well, there is a slight delay of a year or two because we really want to get it right." and if you release a hot, steaming mess you will come back here and say:  "This is just a first step.  A foundation we can now improve on."

I wonder when someone is going to inform the poor schmucks over on brand-W's BBS that the project is starting over again with a new engine.  Mild Dill hasn't condescended to give them any updates since like June or something.   Probably about the time they realized their project was in deep kimchi.  They still think things are humming along and expect a release any day now.   :rofl  Suckeeeeeers.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 10:06:08 AM by CptTrips »
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #391 on: October 13, 2019, 09:45:01 AM »
If they will delay the game to make it the best possible they can, then all the better.

Quite honestly, it shows the lack of experience on the side of the development team.  They should have vetted out the Unreal 4 engine during the pre-production phase to ensure the engine met their needs, it's basically wasted money since they had to pay Epic a license fee to use the U4 engine for commercial purposes.  Because they failed to do that, the development road map is out dated because of the delay switching to the new engine.  Delays cost money, money it seems MicroProse really doesn't have to throw away.
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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #392 on: October 13, 2019, 10:18:54 AM »
Quite honestly, it shows the lack of experience on the side of the development team.  They should have vetted out the Unreal 4 engine during the pre-production phase to ensure the engine met their needs,

Shaved-Ape H1B  script-kiddies. 

Of course, they might be smarter than we think.  Maybe they knew and didn't tell Bill because they wanted to get a couple of months resume experience with a commercially viable engine so they could bail and find jobs elsewhere before that Titanic rolls over.

Nah, they're probably not that smart.

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #393 on: October 13, 2019, 01:04:08 PM »
We are being Punk'd you know.

Well he is.... hahahahaha
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #394 on: October 13, 2019, 02:11:03 PM »
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Offline AAIK

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #395 on: October 13, 2019, 02:55:57 PM »
Hey ack-ack, last I checked UE4 is free to everybody but Epic gets a certain cut of the profits depending on the size of the studio and said profits,I think.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #396 on: October 13, 2019, 06:00:34 PM »
Hey ack-ack, last I checked UE4 is free to everybody but Epic gets a certain cut of the profits depending on the size of the studio and said profits,I think.

It's free for non-commercial use but once you commercialize the product, you have to pay a fee to Epic.  It's going to be either a license fee or a royalty fee.
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Offline Archie

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #397 on: October 16, 2019, 12:37:44 AM »
It's free for non-commercial use but once you commercialize the product, you have to pay a fee to Epic.  It's going to be either a license fee or a royalty fee.

Epic takes % once you start making money out of your game, since they haven't even released yet (yet alone start make money) they haven't payed a cent.

Offline Vulcan

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #398 on: October 16, 2019, 01:33:12 AM »
Epic takes % once you start making money out of your game, since they haven't even released yet (yet alone start make money) they haven't payed a cent.

That's what he said dumbarse. And you cannot release what does not exist.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #399 on: October 16, 2019, 06:54:43 AM »
Epic takes % once you start making money out of your game, since they haven't even released yet (yet alone start make money) they haven't payed a cent.

That's what I said in my post. 

By switching to a new engine, it's going to cause a delay in development and production.  This isn't going to go well with the stake-holders (investors), they are probably going to demand that Microprose meet their milestones they've set or risk losing funding or having it delayed.  In game development, time is money and time lost means money lost.  This also leads me to believe that the vaunted producer you've so elevated to near god like status, isn't a very good one.  He should have known the engine his company uses for their products is the engine they should have gone with since it met all of their criteria but instead he decided to use an engine that isn't well suited for the game they want to develop, which cost them time and money.

You'll probably see an announcement pushing back the release date to sometime in 2020.  You'll probably also see mentions in gaming sites that Microprose has had to lay off some employees because of the money lost due to the delays and lack of experience of those working on the project.

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Offline lutrel

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #400 on: October 16, 2019, 09:29:18 AM »
No thanks, I flew in WarBirds for ten years before I came here and I've had a life time's worth of 'two more weeks' already; I'll be staying right here.
Lutrel AkA "Lut"
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #401 on: October 16, 2019, 10:30:12 AM »
That's what he said dumbarse. And you cannot release what does not exist.


No thanks, I flew in WarBirds for ten years before I came here and I've had a life time's worth of 'two more weeks' already; I'll be staying right here.

So true!

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Offline snugar109

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #402 on: October 16, 2019, 11:46:13 AM »
No thanks, I flew in WarBirds for ten years before I came here and I've had a life time's worth of 'two more weeks' already; I'll be staying right here.

Same here, I like right where I'm at.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #403 on: October 16, 2019, 02:43:34 PM »
This thread remind me if this taco place by my house, it had a small kitchen fire and was closed by the firedeparment.  It had the worst food, but it was popular for people who didn't know any better.

Anyway it was supposed to open last July, it didn't, the remodeling company pulled out due to non payment, then it's September, they even asked for donations to help, here's October and the kitchen didn't pass inspection, so maybe next year taco Joe's will open to serve the worst food ever.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Devil 505

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Re: Return of Wild Bill and MicroProse
« Reply #404 on: October 16, 2019, 02:58:20 PM »
This thread remind me if this taco place by my house, it had a small kitchen fire and was closed by the firedeparment.  It had the worst food, but it was popular for people who didn't know any better.

Anyway it was supposed to open last July, it didn't, the remodeling company pulled out due to non payment, then it's September, they even asked for donations to help, here's October and the kitchen didn't pass inspection, so maybe next year taco Joe's will open to serve the worst food ever.


 :rofl :rofl :rofl
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